At the same time, in the Barton family…

Using the method Phoebe taught her, Aurora finally drove the woman away, but her father seemed to be a different person, and he did not love her as much as before. He rarely showed up in front of her all day long.

But after crying and making a fuss for a long time, she was also satisfied with this peach.

Just as she came out of the swimming pool, a maid hurriedly walked over with a panic expression, “Miss..."

Upon seeing this, Aurora said casually, “What's wrong."

The maid whispered, “Someone is looking for you outside."

Aurora frowned when she heard the words, "Could it be that woman is back again?"


The maid looked around, leaned towards her and said something in a low voice.

Aurora's face instantly became a little unpredictable. She narrowed her eyes, and then said after a while of silence, “Go and bring her to my room. Remember, don't let other people see her."

The maid received the order, turned and walked away quickly.

Aurora picked up the bathrobe next to him, put it on, and walked back to her bedroom slowly.

She sat on the sofa and opened a bottle of red wine.

After a while, the maid returned, “Miss Steward, I bring her here."

Aurora groaned an answer and took a sip of red wine elegantly.

The maid turned around and left, closing door of the bedroom.

door, “What's the matter? You came to see me

seemed to have lost the pride and nobility she had in the past, and even looked

sat opposite to Aurora, and took a long breath, “I'm here to

disdainfully, “Me? How can

place to go. I want

talking about? Those who know about the truth may know that you’re here to ask for my help, but those who don’t know it may think you’re

When I find my dad, everything will be resolved, and I

over while laughing, "Are you joking with me? Now all people in City N know that your father is a fake. Does it make any difference even if you find him? Oh, there’s an old saying that a phoenix in its abjection is inferior to a chicken. You’re just a

you know? They made up those

to what they’re today. It seems that you

weren't for Clarence helped her set up the traps, how could Steward Group suffer this crisis? She said that she was the

in her hand, “You mean, the so-called truths of the things happened twenty years ago were all the

on her laps. "Lyndon wanted to kill my dad before, but he died in the explosion. He deserved that consequence. Stella will suffer the consequences of her evil doings sooner or later. I will find evidence to prove that what she said

Phoebe up and down, obviously not taking

some time ago. It is already clear to everyone about who Charles was

was now just deceiving

be clear, this is my home, so don't think you’re still in the Stewards’ Mansion and act

little embarrassed, but she didn't refute

glance. It covered a range of only a few square meters. It was obvious that it

hadn't had a good sleep for several days, so even if she knew that Aurora's behavior was humiliating her, she didn't

Aurora go out, she stepped

going out for a walk. What’s the matter? Do you want to come

there, her face tense, and did not

on her sunglasses and walked forward, “Don't worry, since I have let you live here, I

high heels and got into the

a certain distance, she took out her ID card

there is any buyer. My dad? Come on, he doesn’t live in the house now, so why should I care about the house? I will tell him later and give him half of the money I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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