When they arrived at the studio, Stella saw Sherry lying on the cashier’s desk, sighing at a frequency of five seconds.

Stella asked the young lady next to her softly, “What’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know, she’d been like this since yesterday.”

Stella walked over, “Sherry, have you had breakfast yet?”

Sherry lifted her head weakly to look at her, “Yes, I have eaten my breakfast.”

“What did you eat?”


Stella was speechless.

She pulled Sherry into her office, “What’s wrong, are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Sherry’s eyes were listless, “Huh? Probably, very uncomfortable.”

Stella said, “Then, let me send you back to rest, or go to the hospital?”

Sherry shook her head and lay back to the office sofa, “No need, I just didn’t wake up this morning, I’ll be fine after resting for a while.”

As soon as Stella saw her behaving like this, she knew that she was definitely hurt by love affairs again.

She did not ask any more questions. After ordering breakfast for Sherry, she put down her phone, “You can sleep first, I’ll call you later.”

After Sherry gave a response, she closed her eyes.

After half an hour, breakfast arrived. Sherry ate it and continued to sleep until noon.

When she stretched herself, there was a knock on the office door. A young lady poked her head in, “Stella, Sherry... Daniel is coming.”

Sherry was frozen. She did not say anything.

Stella said, “Did he say what it is about?”

Sherry was not here so he left after waiting for half

Sherry, “I think he comes here to meet you. How

tell him I went


Stella was speechless.

the young lady, “You go and tell him that Sherry went to the shooting today, and if he asks you for the exact address, just say



agitated, “No, nothing

Stella responded, “What?”

two seconds before

I still have to blame Liam, that bastard, if he did not go crazy in the middle

that, Stella frowned, “What’s wrong with Liam, is he looking for trouble

briefly summarized, “He somehow found where I live and then went crazy ...

there anymore, did you find a new

suits me, I stayed in

up Chan later, then I have to go back to the place where

nodded and said, “Why do you go back to

me to go over there. I also


“He has been living there for

up to leave, Sherry followed her, “I’ll go with you. It’s boring for

for a walk was

to them, they opened the car

not hesitate and

guy with eight-pack abs in your school, preferably a sports student who plays basketball, loves sports and has a good body shape. If

Channing was speechless.

said, “Did you break up

mouth froze and she laughed, “We are not even in


stopped in front of an old residential

the car door,

front and said as he went up the

hallway was very dark. There was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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