In the Conrad Group…

Nathan quickly approached Clarence after Clarence got out of the meeting room, “Mr. Conrad, something happened.”

Clarence stopped and became nervous, “Stella?”

“Yes, and no.”

Clarence looked at Nathan expressionless, “Next time, complete your sentence first.”

Nathan continued, “Mrs. Conrad went back to Jeffrey’s house with Channing. Then, they found out…”

Clarence tried to be patient, “Are you going to finish your sentence or not?”

Nathan didn’t mean to act in such a manner. He had been working with Clarence for over thirty years, and he had seen so much, but what happened in Jeffrey’s house was so uncommon. It was overwhelming, and it could send a chill down Nathan’s spine.

Nathan said softly, “Mr. Conrad, Mrs. Conrad’s mother was found.”

“Where did they found her?”

“In…Jeffrey’s house.”

Clarence was shocked. He tilted his head and asked, “Are you sure?”

Nathan nodded, “The news came from them. I think Daniel was also there. The news is almost certain.”

Clarence paused and narrowed his eyes. He changed direction and said coldly, “Postpone all my schedule. I have some other thing to attend to.”

Nathan followed behind, “Sure.”

Then, Nathan quickly took his phone out and did as Clarence asked.

After Clarence got into the car, he asked, “So, how are they?”

“Mr. Conrad, are you asking about William or Mrs. Conrad?”


of hot news once they inform the police. It’s not going to be a good thing for either of them. It could be even more troublesome if Lyndon finds

since Daniel was there. We’re just couldn’t sure about what they’re going to do with the new.

after a while, “No

had been a while since Daniel went to

only Daniel, Channing

stared at the window with her

while, the sound of footsteps finally came

She found out that it was Clarence when

they weren’t so

out of the place after she saw Clarence’s arrival. She gave an excuse saying that she

her shoulder. He said


is more important than

Clarence’s shirt subconsciously and muttered, “I didn’t expect this

Stella tightly. He didn’t know what to say

and Channing had been staying in this house for almost twenty years. So many days and nights they had spent here, and

human remains belonged to their

Stella’s back and silently consoled

a long while, the sound of footsteps

was loud and

from Clarence’s arms. She saw a man got thrown into the

looked clearly, and she

away the dust on his shirt. When Jeffrey saw the wardrobe and wall in the room was demolished, he freaked out. He ran to the demolished wall and shouted in anger, “Who did this? Who gave you the permission to demolish my house? I’ll call the police and get

outside and said coldly, “I

He scolded with the dirtiest words he knew, “You bastard! I should have drowned you in my pee when you were

he never stopped using dirty words on

Great. Go ahead. I’m interested in finding out how many years they’re going

and I have the right to bury her wherever I want. What

he saw Clarence stood beside Stella. Jeffrey suddenly felt less dominating. There was nothing he should care about now

the earth once they’re dead. Why can’t I bury her here instead? It’s my house, and


out, she felt like she fell into a pair of warm and

her name, but she couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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