In the afternoon, Stella was about to go home when Clarence called.

She answered the call and heard the man’s booming low voice, “You’re not at home?”

Stella mumbled a yes and said, “I can’t stand to be stuck there forever, so I have come to my workshop. I’m going back now though.”

Clarence replied, “No problem. I have things to attend to later, so I will be late coming back. You can rest early.”

“Did something happen at the company?”

“No, it’s not something important. I will tell you when I am back.”

“Got it.”

After hanging up the phone, Sherry poked her head into the office, “Stella, are you not leaving yet?”

Stella got up, “Let’s go.”

Sherry was under road space rationing today, and she had come to work by hailing a taxi. Stella would send her back today.

While on the way, Sherry began, “Your Mr. Conrad didn’t urge you to back as soon as you can?”

Stella smiled, “He has something to attend to so he’ll be late coming home.”

“Speaking of which, although that bastard has a lot of leisurely time at times, but he will still be busy sometimes, right? However, you can catch your breath when he’s busy, or else he will cling on to you like there’s no tomorrow.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Stella suddenly felt surreal. If they had this conversation a year ago, this would definitely sound like a huge joke.

Who could have thought that so many things would go down in just a single year.

Not long after, the car arrived at the destination set by their GPS.

Stella rolled down the car window, “Did we arrive at the right place?”

Sherry answered, “Yes, then I’ll take my leave now. You take care on your way back.”


When Sherry disappeared from her sight, Stella retrieved her gaze and gunned the engine.

After returning to their condominium, she immediately heard a baby crying after stepping out of the elevator.

Stella’s steps were fuddled because this was the first time she heard the sound of a baby in all the time she had been staying here.

was about to

“Chan? It’s so late

was there standing tall, and he answered nonchalantly, “I am here

to have a meal together

a pleasant surprise to see him here

Stella thought that Channing wouldn’t feel very great about what

must be here to see her because

her door and entered the password, “Come

behind, and he glanced at the unit

changed her shoes and headed to the kitchen, “What do you want

“Anything will be fine.”

selective as Clarence. Stella checked her fridge and decided to make something out

she was cooking, Channing appeared at the entrance of the kitchen,

“He has something to do.

to do? What kind of

don’t know. Never

protested, “Why didn’t you ask him? What if he’s

there would be no difference even if I asked, you know. He could still make up

that he would

he couldn’t bring himself to

simply answered,

trust him that

really loves you, no

about you? Did you get together with Winnie

was broached, Channing’s ears inadvertently

you don’t know? I am asking whether you have seen

answered, “Her new movie is going to screen. She’s promoting it


You just didn’t pay enough

all the food, Stella arranged the cutlery on the table and invited, “Come

“I heard from Clarence previously that you are resting at home. But you seem to

smiled lightly, “You seem to have

Channing was speechless.

very sure whether it was guilty beginning to eat away at him, he continued

shooting the breeze, “What about your negotiations

replied, “It’s alright.

Stella’s phone rang. It

eat first. I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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