Before they could react, a statement made by the CEO’s office was released on the forum.

There were three main pieces of information in the statement.

First, Steward Group will not be acquired by the Conrad Group.

Second, Steward Group will gradually get back on track. Employees should do their job well.

Third, the salaries in arrears have been paid, and the extra 1,000 is to thank everyone for not giving up the Steward Group in its difficulties and making progress together with it. Although the amount is not much, it’s a presentation of the company’s thankfulness.

After all, everyone had waited too long for their delayed salaries. They thought that Stella came here just to make a show, but they didn’t expect that she would solve everyone's major concern on the first day she came to the company.

However, after receiving their salary, some people still felt that Steward Group would not make a comeback and chose to leave.

Actually when Lyndon’s crimes were exposed, many employees had resigned.

Today many people also left the company. Now the Steward Group, which was originally a big company, only had almost half of the employees left.

Even the company’s building became much empty and quiet.

Standing in the office, Stella looked at the street downstairs, seeming to be thinking something.

Donald's voice came from behind, "Regret it?"

Stella shook her head. "Those who leave now must have the idea of leaving the company earlier. Their minds are long gone for work. Instead of spending time here, they should find a place that is more suitable for them. On the contrary, as for those who choose to stay in the company under this situation, no matter what the reason is, they will do their best in work."

Because everyone knew that this was the most appropriate time to leave the company because it would be hard for them to laze away in the Steward Group in the future.

It was because of this that those who chose to stay in the company would work harder.

It was safe to say that the survival of the Steward Group was closed related to them.

At least they should work for their future.

Donald said, "I have read the details of those projects, and I will discuss with them one by one later and tell them what they should pay attention to. However, do you really believe them? If they betray you, do you know what you will face?"

Stella withdrew her gaze, turned around and said, "Roughly."

you still dare to leave such an

Stella said, "Moreover, no one is more

knew that this mess of Steward Group was not easy to deal with, and now

they are not helping me, they


did not belong to them. As a result, they were almost banned by the entire industry and could not find any related jobs. Some of them even went bankrupt. Their relatives were implicated and they were so insulted by others. Perhaps for them now, money is not the most important thing; instead, the most important thing for them is to get rid of this stigma as soon as

the best elites in

agreed with her

final decision to make those people scapegoats, Armand and other people were not innocent. They had experienced other people’s

people were indeed very capable, but they occasionally disagreed with

Armand who proposed

his dissidents

good. Those people must hate Armand a lot and in this way,

few days, Stella stayed in the Steward Group all day long. She

she got home at night, she lay on the bed and didn't want to move. Clarence put his arms around

me? I am

weekend tomorrow, going out on


don't take a rest, don't you let Steward Group’s employees have a

to the studio tomorrow. I

licked his lips. "I'm waiting for

anymore, only breathing

She had fallen asleep.

at her sleeping face, Clarence felt amused yet helpless. In the end, he

didn't have to go to the Steward Group, Stella slept two hours longer than usual and didn't get

up and

really comfortable to sleep

out of the bedroom. Just as she opened the door, a smell of smoke

coughed, waved the smoke in front of her with her

with a dark face. His

Stella, “…”

you exploding the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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