After shopping, Stella directly went to the Conrad Group.

When she arrived at the door of the CEO's office, she happened to bump into Nathan who came out of the office.

Nathan closed the file and greeted, "Ms. Radomil."

Stella asked, "Is Clarence busy?"

"Er... he's not too busy. It's just that the heads of several subsidiaries came to report on the work, and it will be over in about an hour."

Stella nodded, “Then I will wait for him outside."

Nathan said, "Ms. Radomil, let me take you to the lounge."

"Don’t bother, I know the way. You can go on with your work and I can go by myself."

Nathan did have some work and was anxious to deal with it, so he left after the conversation.

Stella sat in the lounge, and after a while, an assistant poured a glass of water for her.

The sky was completely dark now, and the lights on both sides of the street added some brightness to the lonely night.

The street lamps were in the same line, giving out bright lights.

Stella waited for two hours, and the door of the lounge was never pushed open again.

It seemed that Clarence hadn’t finished his work yet.

She checked the time, got up and walked to the assistants’ office. She asked one of them, "Have the heads of the subsidiaries gone?"

The assistant replied, “They left a few minutes ago."

Stella smiled, “Thank you."

Standing at the door of the CEO’s office, Stella reached out and knocked, then opened the door.

standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and was making a phone call. He glanced back at her and motioned to

she took out her

arms around her waist, and

"Will you finish

can be over

leaned on her shoulder, “I feel


just let me hug you for

silence, Stella said,


"Leave Joanna alone."

head to look at her, “What do you

seriously, “This is a conflict between me and her in nature. Just leave it

is not just a grudge between you and her. She harmed you because of me. In other words, I


but. You should just handle the matters related

him a simple

head, his tone softened a little,


In the Conrad family…

with a gloomy face, “Your efficiency

you didn't tell me that Clarence is also in power in London either, and I almost died there and couldn’t

coldly, "Don’t I know how capable he is? He doesn’t have any force in London.

his eyebrows but

didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with him, and said, “Okay, I promised you before and I won't go back on my words. I will pay all the money you deserve. And you should just come

got up and prepared to

I have another piece

don't have to beat around the bush with me, just tell me what news you’ve got. You can directly tell me about your conditions. But as for

heard this piece of news only on the way here. The person Chairman Dempsey wants to find is now in City

rubbed the crutch and mediated for a moment before speaking,

Jon smiled at Joanna who was going downstairs, "Naturally, he is a very

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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