Armand shivered all over, “’ve gone too far!"

Stella said, “Mr. Bernard, don’t say so. I am the person in charge of the Steward Group. Naturally, I have to consider everything for the sake of the company. Besides, I did not force you to pay twenty million. Aren’t I helping you borrow money from the Conrad Group? What's more, it was you who came up with this idea. Why did you criticize me for going too far?"

Logan stood silently by the side and made no sound, for fear that he would be involved.

Armand pointed at Stella, gritted his teeth with hatred, and said unrestrainedly and irreverently, “I finally know what a rogue is like today. I think you learned this from your gambler dad!"

No matter what he said, Stella still maintained a faint smile on her face. She was not angry at all.

After Armand threw his temper, he said to Logan, “I will let them transfer twenty million from my account to hers. It’s fucking unnecessary to hold the press conference!"

Stella slowly said, “Armand Bernard, I'm sorry that I have to interrupt you. You can just directly transfer the money to the Steward Group’s account. Why do you want to transfer it to me? Others who don’t know about the truth may think you are bribing me."

Armand snorted and left.

The office door was closed with a loud bang.

Logan wiped away his sweat, “Ms. Radomil, don't take Mr. Bernard’s to your heart. He is just frank and outspoken, and he didn’t mean so."

Stella chuckled, “Why do I have to care about him? Now the Steward Group is in short of money. As long as he can give twenty million to me, he can even sit here and scold me. Many people have scolded me with words more abusive than his. If I take all their words to my heart, I won’t be alive anymore."

After hearing this, Logan admired her a little.

If this happened to the other lady, she would have dropped the responsibility as she wouldn’t bear such grievance.

But Stella was able to accept these insults calmly and negotiated with Armand as if nothing had happened.

Logan added, “Ms. Radomil, are you going to use the twenty million for the company’s capital turnover?"

"What else can I do?" Stella's voice became colder, “He has a lot of money so that he dares to do such a shameless thing. However, some troubles can be settled with money, and some troubles require a price."

Logan said nothing.

on him and you can only leave after making

"But Mr. Bernard..."

debt, you can tell him that we can still change the schedule and arrange the

“I understand. I will deal with it

hummed and leaned back

towards her trembling fingertips, picked up the

been arrogant and aloof and always looked down upon other people. If she wanted to

stood up to get some water, she received a call from Samuel, “Ms. Radomil, I have found

Armand's habit, the partner company originally arranged a woman for him in advance. But unexpectedly, that woman couldn’t come as she felt uncomfortable. Therefore, they contacted an

it was just a socializing party. After a few glasses of wine, Armand showed his true colours and started

girl resisted against him violently, Armand secretly drugged her

hands which were placed on the table were clenched into fists as she asked, “Where is

the house she rented. Ms. Radomil,

me the address, I'll come over


after ending the


as Stella got out of the elevator, she bumped into Donald, who came

asked, “Where

about the trouble

a little

see the victim

around, “I

Stella nodded, “Okay."

what was going on last night, the victim knew more specifically about the details. Moreover, Donald was a lawyer. So he could learn about the case in case that they would go to court

Donald asked, "How did you


shocked, “Twenty million? He’s so tightfisted. How did you manage

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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