Noticing the wound on Elaine’s face, Stella said to her, Go to the lounge to change your clothes. I will take you to the hospital to have a check-up.”

Elaine shook her head, “No need. My uncle took me to see a doctor on the way back here. It’s just that my skin was scratched. There won’t be any problem.”

”Okay. Go change your clothes.”

When Elaine walked into the lounge, Stella walked out of the studio, preparing to go to the pharmacy to buy some disinfectants.”

Sherry decided to go out with her.

Stella was absent-minded on the way there.

Sherry asked in a low voice, “Stella, what’s wrong with you?”

Stella paused and then pulled herself together, “Nothing.”

”Are you thinking of Elaine’s uncle? I also thought him weird. He appeared out of the thin air. What does he want to do? What do you think of it?”

Stella heaved a long sigh and then said, “He said he came to City N as he heard of the things that happened in Riverside several days ago, which means that his target is Clarence.”

“Oh, I didn’t think of this,” said Sherry.

“Riverside is in a messy condition now. I think all the members of the James family are weird. But he left Riverside ten years ago, so I’m not certain about it.”

Stella suddenly paused and then added, “Sherry, wait a minute. I will make a call first.

Sherry nodded her head, “Okay.”

Stella took out her phone, walked to the roadside and then dialled Archer.

Only when the ringtone was about to come to an end did Archer answer the call.

Stella asked, “Are you busy now?”

“Not that busy. Let’s video and you can have a look at your son.”

“Don’t bother. This is not the reason why I call you.”


you a question. Do

long while. Maybe it was because he never


that he died ten years


asked in shock, “Wait, do you mean that Caesar is

true. So I want to ask you about Caesar’s

since that, the members of the James family didn’t dare to mention him again.

Darnell know about

guess he knows more than me. I will ask him about this and contact you


stood on the spot after ending the call. After a while, she came back to find Sherry and they walked into

clothes and was washing her face when they

her to come to her office. She took out a medicine kit, picked up a bottle of disinfectant fluid

fringed due to the

voice, “Hold on. It will

obedient and didn’t

help if you encounter any bad guys. Clarence has sent some men to

later. Generally speaking, as they were following

“I see.”

with Elaine’s wound, Stella threw the cotton swab into a trash can and said,


can have free leave today. Go back and have

“Stella, do you think that I’m so useless? I can’t help you,

What happened today is just an accident. You have done a good job

lowered. Indeed, she was quite satisfied with

Expect her performance today…

Elaine broke the silence, “Then I will go back myself. I

while and then lightly nodded her head, “Okay. Send me a message when


her leave. Then she

out of the call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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