Elaine looked back at the man in front of her and raised her chin. “You have to untie my hand, or how else should I eat?”

The man took out a knife after he heard what she said.

Elaine swallowed and closed her eyes tightly.

The next second, the rope on her wrists fell down.

Staring at her reddened wrists, she massaged them with her hands. Her nose itched.

The man said, “Miss James, you better not do anything naughty; otherwise you won’t even have food to eat in the future.”

Elaine said, “Aren’t you afraid...”

“You are just a hostage. As long as you are alive then it’s fine. You don't get to make demands. Be aware of that.”

After saying so, the man turned around and left. He locked the door again.

Elaine looked at the food in front of her, and sniffed. She took the chopsticks and started eating with big gulps.

While she was eating, her tears started running down and dropped on the rice.

She was wondering how Sherry and Caesar were doing.

Those people probably didn’t harm them, but Sherry lost a lot of blood...

When she thought of that, Elaine couldn’t bear it but started to cry out loud. The more she thought about it, the sadder she got and the more she blamed herself.

If it wasn’t her who was so naive, running away from Riverside City to come to City N, Sherry wouldn’t have gotten hurt trying to protect her.

And the baby in her tummy...

Nothing must happen to it.

After eating, Elaine tried to unlock the door, it wouldn’t open.

Then she went to the window. There were many men in black standing downstairs.

She wanted to run away, but that was impossible.

Elaine lost all hope, sat down on the bed and stared out of the window.

while, there was a woman

took down her shades and asked, “How is

asked for food. Now she is


man said, “Miss James is a spoiled girl. She hasn’t been in such a situation and she has never starved. Just offer her some food and give her

not very brave, be careful

The man nodded.

again, “Have you contacted the people

in our hands. Not only can we threaten Franklin, but we

and said slowly, “Something so appalling happened

said so, Freya squinted her eyes and blew out the smoke. No one could

situation, I guess Darnell

a glance at him, she

Darnell shan't be underestimated.

the people in Riverside City to keep a closer eye. It is not until they find Clarence’s son and his mother that we can take the upper hand. Now we only have Elaine, the only people we can threaten now are Franklin and such, but that is far

“I will

finished her cigar,

steps, and immediately got up from the bed. Her eyes

door was

person standing at the door

looked at her and thought that she looked

and laughed, “Don’t you know

her eyes wide and yelled, “It’s

was the woman

“Thank you for remembering

few steps backward,

won’t harm you. I am just here to remind you that if you want to go home safely, you need to listen to me. This is not like in your house and we

she asked, “Are you from the James

“I am not.”

James family that want to use me to blackmail my

laughed, “Your uncle is

Elaine kept digging, “But

better if you don’t know about it. So it is true that pretty girls do

“What the...”

her sentence, Freya opened the door and

bedroom, it

Elaine was left alone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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