The next morning, when Stella woke up, the little one was already sitting on the bed playing with his toys.

She got up and looked around. Clarence was truly sleeping in the sofa to calm himself down.

She carried the child downstairs on tiptoes without waking Clarence up.

In the kitchen, Dolores was already cooking breakfast.

In the dining hall, Archer also sat down on time to doze off.

She put the child on his dining chair and asked Archer to keep an eye on him. Then she went into the kitchen to help.

Dolores asked, “You were not scared yesterday, were you?”

Stella shook her head gently. “It was a bit dangerous. But fortunately, they were not seriously injured.”

Dolores sighed silently. “Whether it is in City N or Riverside City, accidents happened all the time. It must be hard for you.”

“I am fine with it.” While speaking, Stella took the egg custard in Dolores’ hand and paused for a second before saying softly, “Let me help you… Mom.”

Dolores said quickly, “It’s a little hot, so you should be careful.”

Stella nodded, “Okay.”

Dolores turned around and went to get a spoon, and only then did she realize what she just heard. She looked back at Stella and asked with disbelief, “What did you just call me?”

Stella smiled and said again, “Mom.”

Pausing for a few seconds, Dolores' lips curled up. “When did you get the certificate?”

“Just two days before coming to Riverside City.”

“When is the wedding?”

Stella replied, “I don’t know. We still need some time. If possible, probably the end of the year.”

also what I have always been wishing for. If Clarence dares be bad to

Well, Mom,”

“Don’t worry. You will

the breakfast, when Archer was about to go upstairs,

“What is

Not far away, Clarence

Clarence asks you about my condition, don’t tell him the

He was confused. “Why?”

knows, he

pondered for a while before speaking, “I got it.

it sounded easy, in fact, improving her physical condition to have another child was

if she was lucky enough to get pregnant, she might have some adverse reactions due to her medication and injections. So it would definitely

said, “We'll talk again after you have

“Okay,” he replied.

about to leave

“Is there anything else?”

details, you should have felt that things won’t be so easy. So I want to remind

smiled, “There is nothing to think about. I've made

as painful as the time when she thought her

got it. Wait for

“Thank you,” she said.


still became a frequenter

of the tags was

trend, Flora’s team spent a lot of money on marketing. Most of the comments were saying that Flora looked more beautiful

now, she had high popularity among people. And her fans were loyal to her. Though Flora spent money on marketing, most of the people thought Winnie obviously

of other stars in the show also

at this time, a trend

It was #WinnieChanning.

views, in which

were just right. People who watched this felt it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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