By the time Stella went back to the studio, it had been dark.

After taking the processed silhouette out and confirming with Stella for the release time and content copy, Sherry smelled a smell of smoke on her body and couldn't help but ask, "Stella, where did you go afterward?"

Stella said, "I went to find Adolph."

"Adolph Miller?"

Stella nodded gently, "I wanted him to help me find someone."

Sherry was a bit scared, saying, "The place where Adolph is staying is rather dodgy. Weren’t you afraid when you went there just now?"

Stella smiled, "Not at all. I grew up in a place like that when I was a child."

The nearby surroundings of the place where they had lived before were similar to where she had been today.

Every time she went home after getting off school, she would inevitably pass by there.

The women standing on the street teased her frequently. And she was no less threatened by the gangsters.

But the women teasing her would also curse and drive the drunken men away who stood in her way.

The gangsters who threatened her would also push her home with a small cart when she fell and hurt her leg.

Only after she went to junior high school was the area demolished.

So she knew very well that no one would want to live there for a long time unless they were forced to do so for a living.

Smiling, Sherry didn’t continue. She quickly brought up another topic, "I checked the weather tomorrow. It is gonna be sunny. So the photos should look quite nice."

Stella said, "I won’t go with you tomorrow. I'm going back early this evening to cook. Donald has been complaining for many days. After you are done, come to my home with Winnie. Call me if there's anything."

"OK," Sherry paused, adding, "Then… Should I call Chan as well?"

Stella was silent for a few seconds before saying, "This time, no need."

With what happened between Chan and Winnie, they’d better not bump into each other on such an occasion.

The two of them should handle their affairs first.

Stella said again, "Have you contacted the models?"

backups. No more issues

time, there was a knock on the door of

"Sherry, your boyfriend is

less brightly. And she turned back, saying, "I know. Ask him to wait

little girl

in front of her,

"What about you? When are

smell of smoke on her body, Stella found that it was

came back and smelled it,

"I'll revise this draft

Sherry said, "Then

Stella nodded: "Okay."

office to fetch her

bouquet in his hands, Brandon was waiting for her

finished my work, making you wait for

Brandon smiled, "It's okay."

the flowers in his hands, "It's for

Sherry didn’t take it over for a moment, hesitantly saying, "It is not

just that I saw this bouquet on my way here, thinking that they look

was confused, asking, "Apologizing

"I worked overtime late last night, failing to

worked overtime for shooting yesterday. And I wasn’t


of them

moments later, Sherry reached out and took the flowers over, saying, "Thank you,


are we going to eat

me. It is said that the food there tastes delicious. And the ingredients are directly transported from Japan.


a state-owned enterprise, Brandon had a stable job

Sherry to free meals all these

had mentioned that they could treat each other to a

saying that a meal wouldn’t

to say anything else, so she could only give him some gifts of a similar price as that of

the meal should cost them

okay. My friend is a regular customer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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