Stella also didn’t know if she had become thinner recently. However, due to the medicines that she had been taking daily, plus other messy stuff, she didn’t have much appetite.

After a few seconds, she found an excuse, “I’m trying to lose weight. It seems that it did work. Haha...”

As she spoke, Stella met with Clarence’s gaze again. He pursed his thin lips and maintained a serious face even when she joked.

He looked kind of scary.

Stella poked his chest and said in a small voice, “What is it? Don’t you want to eat?”

After a while, Clarence only said, “You said that you’re hiding something from me before. Tell me what it is.”

Stella paused for a moment before she withdrew her finger, “But you were also hiding something from me...”

“I’ve already told you. Now it’s your turn.”

Stella had actually forgotten about this.

She turned around and took the dinner plate, “It’s not something serious, not very shocking or terrifying. It’s just... I don’t want to talk about it now.”

Clarence gripped her wrist, “Why aren’t you joining the fashion week?”

Stella heard what he said and kept quiet for a few seconds. Then, she turned around and looked at him, “Too many things happened recently. It’s going to be too rushed for me. I don’t want to tire myself, so I’m not going...”

“Do you think I believe that?”

Stella let out a sigh and replied jokingly, “Believe it or not.”

Clarence obviously didn’t intend to joke with her. His expression was cold and solemn, “Speak.”

Stella hadn’t seen him like this for a long time. If it was because she wouldn't go to join the fashion week, he shouldn’t be that angry.

After thinking about it, Stella suddenly realized something, “Did you meet Sherry? What did she tell you?”

Clarence said, “No need to mention her. Talk about yourself.”

Stella probably had been suffering from the medications and injections during this period. Her appetite wasn’t good either. Therefore, she had been suppressing some kind of hidden anxiety and anger.

And now, seeing his bad attitude and tone towards her, her temper instantly came up. She threw the things in her hand, “If you don’t want to eat then forget it. It’s not like I'm begging to serve you.”

that, she threw Clarence’s hand away and walked

to follow her behind, he saw the ice crumbs that were cleared out from the trash can and suddenly thought of the box that Stella had blocked from his sight

slightly frowned, turned around,

vegetables, in the innermost corner was a white

Stella collapsed on the bed and

kind of emotion running wild

if there was a fire

Extremely annoying.

and covered her head to

time, when she was still in a daze in her sleep, she felt

the fact that she was still asleep, Stella didn’t forget to

her back again, hugging her a little tighter than just now, pressing his long legs against her so that she couldn’t

woke up


her, “I’m sorry. It’s my

“You only realize this

sorry for my attitude just now. Babe, don’t be

want to pay attention to

said, “Let’s get up and

“I’m not hungry.”

“But I’m hungry.”

my business

stopped talking and

cry of surprise, turned, and stared at

bedroom. The dining table was full of Stella’s favorite

she didn’t have much appetite lately, after seeing these foods,

the chair, “Eat quickly. It’s going to

ask Nathan to

her and said lightly, “I went to

that, Stella’s hand that was holding cutleries

He bought them himself?

table. It was all oily and spicy food. These

germaphobe and picky person like him would run several places just to buy food

that Clarence had forbidden her to

right that a person should eat something they like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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