After a short silence, Winnie's cell phone rang.

She quickly seized this golden opportunity and went to the balcony to answer the phone, “Hello?”

Her assistant said, “Winnie, we have received an invitation to a private reception next Saturday, should I just decline it as before?”

Winnie coughed and said, “First, tell me the specific process.”

On the other end of the line, the assistant was a little confused, “The specific process?”

“Yes.” The look on her face was serious. “How will they arrange it? What time does the event start? Let's talk about it in detail.”

“It’s just…”

The assistant read the invitation letter, word by word.

Winnie listened, nodded her head and echoed from time to time.

And then they talked about other work.

When she could not find anything to talk, she secretly turned around and saw that he was no longer on the sofa and the bedroom door was closed. She finally relieved.

The assistant said, “Then I'll reply to them. Are you going to attend?”

Winnie retracted her thoughts and said, “No need, just decline it.”

The assistant was speechless for a while and said ok.

After hanging up the phone, Winnie sat on the sofa, her eyes fell on the books in front of her.

The Sprit of The Laws, Das Kapital, The Wealth of Nations, Advanced Calculus...

No wonder Channing said he didn't want to read the book, she just read the title of the book, and her head was already dizzy.

Nearby, the medicine has been taken.

Winnie leaned back, found a comfortable place to lie down, took out her phone and checked it boringly.

Outside the rain was beating against the window, thin and soft.

had a hypnotic


for thirty minutes later, and prepared

Channing came out of his bedroom and stood there for two seconds. Then he

bent one leg and squatted in front of her,

house was quiet, except for the sound of breathing, only the dull and noisy sound of

later, the phone next

eyes and was about to get up, she saw Channing sitting on the carpet under the sofa with Das Kapital

“When did you come

and turned to look at her.

if his fever was gone, she

seems to

of the rain

I'll take you to the hospital. Let’s not make it

took her wrist and said, “Just take some more pills and

“But you...”

stay here with me if

Winnie, “...”

That’s his intention.

read. “The rain won't stop for a while; I'll send you

is this little

and got caught in the wind and rain, the cold would only get

But staying like this...


the book and said lightly, “I won't do anything to you, I don't

it was because she just woke up, she said casually, “Right, otherwise you would've stuck out your tongue

Winnie immediately grabbed a book and opened

What was that

flipping the book came again, she let out a sigh of relief, and her eyes finally focused on the book

was this


Advanced Calculus…

Winnie was so embarrassed

Forget it.

at Channing from time to time, she hesitated several

had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, and seeing him today, needless to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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