After Channing left, Winnie leaned against the door and slowly slid down. Sitting on the ground, she hugged her knees with both hands and buried her head in tears.


She clearly knew that this relationship should not have started from the very beginning. It was she who had been delusional, vainly trying to get what did not belong to her.


That was her fault to make Channing has ended up like this.


He should have had a great future.


However, it was almost destroyed overnight because of her.


She didn't want to delay him any longer...


After sitting on the ground for an unknown period of time, Winnie raised her head and wiped away the tears on her face. She got up, went back to her bedroom and took out her suitcase to pack up.


The moment she opened the cloakroom, she saw Channing's clothes hanging together with hers.


With red-rimmed eyes, Winnie took out all the pink sweaters she had bought before and threw them into the cardboard box, but she couldn't bear to throw away Channing's clothes and held them in her arms for a long time.


The sweetness and warmth during this month came to her mind.


She had worked away from home since she was in her teens. For so many years, she had long been used to living alone.


Channing was a few years younger than her, but he had always taken care of her.


He would never say anything sweet, and he was dull, but he would always express his concern for her with actions.


Over and over again, she was indulged.


She hadn't felt like this even when three years ago, Chassell Barret had pursued her relentlessly and had been discovered that he was married.


It was heart-wrenching and unforgettable.


When she was with Chassell Barret, she could only be the beautiful and dazzling Winnie in everyone's eyes.


she was with Channing, she returned to her


for half the night. Finally, she put the clothes


sealed them, together with this


memories were


still had a long


best choice for them to separate at the crossroads and return to their own




the security guard was patrolling, he saw a


clothes, but he stood there as if he had not


flashlight in his hand. After taking a


walked over. "It is midnight


moved his lips and said in a




all, so he knew what had happened when he saw this. He didn't ask further and said, "All right, don't stand here. Come with me to the security room and warm yourself


Channing didn't move.


the security guard went to pull him, he


was shocked.


looked up to the upstairs. In the end, he didn't say


and pushed it in front of him. He said as he was blowing on his own


two words


some snacks he usually stored and gave them to him. He also took out the instant noodles. "How about having some




he didn't eat or drink, he picked up the cigarette box on the table, took out a


Channing took it.


few days. There's no need to take it seriously. How can a couple not quarrel in this world? And they may quarrel more often after marriage, just like me and my wife. We quarrel every day, but


did not say anything and listened


was told that she was several years older than me. I was persuaded into meeting up with her, but who


didn't like me at first, thinking that I hadn't even finished junior high school and had no future. I


take it


to the city with a few pennies. I did whatever I could to make money. It only took me two or three years to save enough money to build a


guard noticed that the cigarette between Channing's fingers was about to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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