After Daphne left the building, she was immediately pulled to a less crowded place.

She asked in confusion, "Donald?"

Donald looked around before frowning and said, "Why are you here?"

Daphne pulled her backpack. "My editor-in-chief received an exclusive and asked me to trace it."

Saying of this, she hurriedly added. "Don't worry. I'm just doing my job. It will definitely not affect you."

Donald kept frowning. "I don't mean that, and I'm not skimmed off with you intentionally."

Daphne laughed. "I know you are strict and will not be interfered with by external factors, especially when working."

Donald answered nothing.

He wasn't as good as she said.

After a moment of silence, Donald asked, "Do you really want to follow this case?"

Daphne nodded. "The editor-in-chief assigns this. Steve…"

After a pause, Daphne hesitantly continued, "Are you going to argue for his innocence in court?"

Donald set his mouth in a grim line, "Sorry, I can't tell you this."

Daphne immediately said, "It's okay. I was just casually asking."

After thinking about it, Daphne said, "According to the police investigation and the interview I just did, I think there's something wrong with him."

Donald said slowly, knowing what she meant, "He is my client."

Daphne understood his intention.

Defending one's client was the most basic professionalism of a lawyer.

nodding her head, Daphne said, "Then I know, just

back, she was about to leave, "Are you sure

investigate. I'm just responsible for

decided that Steve is suspicious, whether he


lowered his voice. "Have you thought that what if his wife's death is related to him? What will he do to you if you insist

smiled. "Can I perceive your words as that you are telling me the truth

grip on her arm loosened, not

worry. This is just a private chat. I will

she spoke,

waved at Donald. "I'll leave

place, touched his eyebrows, and took a

took something from the storage box but saw

and there was no longer any Daphne

it carefully under the sunlight, wondering what was so special about


finished meeting friends of Steve's wife, she saw from afar an upright figure, half leaning in front of the car at her apartment,


lifted his head, put away his phone, and glanced

him, Donald said, "Just

eaten yet? I'll treat you, if

Donald didn't refuse. "Okay."

here are some simple, fast food. Is it okay if

"Fast food is fine."

she often went to, and after they had ordered, Donald was about to pay when Daphne had already checked first.

smiled and

on, and

on the seat, Daphne subconsciously tugged

the scar on her neck, and concerned, "Did

and realizing what he was talking about, she pulled the scarf up and smiled, "I'm okay. I applied for ointment yesterday. It

looked at the corner of Donald's forehead and pointed, "Does

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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