Elaine was stunned when she heard these words, only the wind whistling by her ears.

The driver made a sharp turn and Elaine was thrown directly into the seat.

“Miss, fasten your seat belt, I’ll drive to a less crowded place.”

Elaine finally came back to herself, nodding as she closed the window and quickly fastened her seat belt.

The black sedan sped along, dodging vehicles on the road.

Elaine felt her heart jump out of her chest, and every time she was thinking about the moment of death in her mind when they were about to hit the car in front of her.

She clenched her phone tightly when Archer’s phone rang.

Elaine picked it up with shaking hands.

Archer said, “Well, let’s say just let me say goodbye to you. It’s all the same”

Elaine looked ahead and choked in her throat, “Cousin, I am about to die...”

“No way, it’s just he couldn’t go to see you. How can it be that serious?”

Elaine snorted and choked, “I was on the way to the airport. The brakes broke… Woo… Woo… I’m going to die.”

As she said that, her tears rolled down, “Tell Darnell that no one will bother him when I die, can he... Can he leave my father alone? Otherwise, I will curse him even if I am sent to hell...”

The more Elaine cried, the sadder she became. Her voice was eventually overflooded by crying.

After the rustling on the other end of the phone, it was then Darnell’s speaking. He said solemnly, “Where are you now?”

“I do not know……”

As Elaine spoke, the car made another sharp turn, accompanied by her screams.

Darnell said, “Look around. Tell me what you can see now.”

Elaine hurriedly looked out the window and saw a flashing road sign, while she was still sobbing, “It’s the road called Hen… I can't remember. There is a constructing shopping mall on the right side. and there is a large artificial lake next to it...”

Before she could finish speaking, the car crushed into something, and the phone was thrown out.

Elaine wanted to reach out and pick it up, but the car was driving at a very high speed. The car had to avoid other vehicles and was driving in twists and turns. She couldn’t pick up the phone at all.

phone to Archer and ordered, “Henshin Road, in the direction of the outer

responded and rushed

inertia of the sudden start. He barely kept his composure,

cold. He glanced at Archer, who immediately understood Darnell’s thought

no one

said, “They probably send Franklin away. Wasn’t Franklin from

“They want to keep Elaine

way, Franklin


curled up in her seat, not sure if she would

car has entered


lady, sit tight. There will be

nodded and tightened her

barricade within a splash of

huge crash, everything finally

Only dust remains.

the black

the car quickly and

the car, both Elaine and the driver had passed

forehead and ran

window and called her a few times, but there was

car door, took her out and put her on the ground. His voice

the way here. He then came over, and examined her, “No serious limbs

again. He eventually breathed a sigh of relief, “Don’t worry,

driver should be more seriously injured. I’ll take a look at that. The

the driver’s door, and gave the

eyes, looking at the lifeless little girl with blood in her head lying in his

a while, the ambulance arrived, and

said to Archer,

Archer said, “Me?”

ambulance, Elaine opened her eyes weakly, looked at the man standing not far away, and raised her hand to him with effort, as if she had a lot to

still go to the driver’s sidekick.

ran away, Darnell stood there for

held Elaine’s hand which was stretching in the air and whispered, “Don’t be afraid, I’m


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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