In the hospital.

Brendon was sitting next to Natasha's bed and took her hand to apologize: "Natasha I'm sorry, I really had something to do yesterday, I didn't expect you to encounter such a thing, it's all my fault, don't be angry, okay?"

Natasha completely do not want to care about him, pulled his hand out: "I called you so many calls, you are busy again even to return a message time is not, you can not come to say can not come, why do I have to wait for you again, if not waiting for you, I will not ...... "

The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she became, tears welling up in her eyes, furious.

Brendon was sincere and swore, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, and I promise there won't be a next time!"

In fact, he arrived yesterday afternoon and never showed up because he saw that Elaine was standing next to Natasha.

His family was talking about her engagement to Elaine, and if he showed up then, it was all over.

Seeing that Natasha didn't say anything, Brendon brought out his prepared gift again: "Haven't you always liked this necklace, I spent a lot of effort to buy it back, how about it?"

Natasha glanced at it and couldn't help but take it: "It's a Starry Sky Studio show model, I heard there's only one, how did you get it?"

She asked her friends several times, how can not buy, said this necklace was left in the fashion week exhibition.

Brendon's gaze flickered a bit as he took her hand and said, "Whether it's a show model or something else, as long as you like it, it's worth it to me to spend more money."

Natasha heard him say that and didn't get suspicious. Brendon was talking about getting her a birthday present a long time ago, mysteriously, like a big surprise.

If this is the case, he should have thought a lot before buying this necklace.

Brendon took the opportunity to get up and take the necklace out of the jewelry box, "I'll put it on for you."

Natasha picked up her phone and took a picture of the screen.

Brendon said, "It looks good on you."

Natasha grunted: "You don't think I'm just going to forgive you, you tell me what the hell you were doing yesterday."

"I ......" Brendon saw that he really couldn't avoid it and made an excuse, "My mom suddenly fainted and I've been taking care of her in the hospital."

and her

course it's true, how could I lie to you

some self-condemnation, she did not know Brendon's

is your mother, is

Brendon nodded, "Much better."

to take care of your

Brendon went along with it:

"Get out of

couldn't help but pick up her phone again and look at the necklace around her neck, liking it more and

a knock on the door

in, "Natasha, are you


down, Natasha was quick to share her new necklace with her, "Does it

to look

from the 'Starry Sky Studio' fashion week show a few months ago, and my boyfriend

"Did your boyfriend visit

little guilty: "He explained to me that he didn't come yesterday because his mother was

Elaine couldn't

it always

"Elaine, take the necklace off for me, I'll wear


helped her take the necklace off, her eyes couldn't help but fall on the brand name at the

one of the letters on this necklace was a little crooked, and the rest of the lines were a little


Elaine said, "Nothing ......"

"This necklace

"That's fine."

sent it to Stella immediately, and

the doctor came in to

I get out of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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