Chapter 1028 I usually wear black

She slept too long in the afternoon, causing Elaine to lie in bed and toss and turn, unable to sleep.

She plays with her phone for a while, and then looks at the ceiling and giggles.

I don't know how long it took, but I heard a “Duk Duk" sound coming from the window.

Elaine sat up instantly and looked straight over.

It's the middle of the night, it's not haunted.

Soon, this rang again.

Elaine slowly lifted the covers, gathered enough courage to walk over, her hands faster than her brain, and pushed open the


An evening breeze came in with a few cool breezes.

In the distant sky, the moon is bright and shining.

Elaine leaned over the windowsill, not seeing anything different around her.

The sound just now, it is estimated that the wind blowing the window issued.

Just as she looked up to admire the stars dotting the night sky, a low male voice came from next to her: “Is it pretty?"

Elaine was startled and hurriedly looked in the direction where the sound was made.

Damell leaned against the wall, his eyes resting on the direction she had just looked.

The shock on Elaine's face was instantly replaced by joy: "Why are you here!”

Darnell turned his head to look at her, "Keep your voice down.”

Elaine sniffed, immediately nodded in agreement, covered her mouth again, leaned forward a little, came to his ear, and

tepeated in a very small voice: “Why are you here?”

Damell said, "Do I have to stand here and tell you”

Elaine realized he was still outside the wall, with a fifty centimeter wide step at his feet.

She immediately said, “I'll go find a stool."

room, and eventually went to the

Darnell's figure

threw down the stool and lunged at

the back of her head: “I'm tired and sore and have no energy, but I'm still


in his arms, arms clinging to his waist: “Can't move now,

Darnell: "....."

standing like that for a while, Darnell said, “Go sit down while I look at your

of him and sat down

up her right

grip and heard him

repeating this several times, Darnell asked

much, but I'm still sore and

again: “You hug me just

two words could be uttered, Darnell had already gotten up

in the sofa, and after a few seconds, she suddenly

water, when he saw her hurrying

and moving toward the side, where her changed underwear was still hanging on the shelf, right

Darnell was adjusting the water temperature and didn't look

time, then put her right hand behind her back, lifted her left hand and asked,

whole action was done

body again being one step ahead


why not, didn't he say towel

eyes fell on the

this one holding underwear ah, and still

immediately hid her underwear behind her back, handed out the towel in her

took the wrong

and reached

immediately ran out of the bathroom and tucked her

a voice came from

responded, “Coming coming

ran in again

sit on the vanity and wrung another hot towel for

the towel was a little high, and Elaine

held her arm down: "Bear with it, or it will hurt

out and she didn't

the towel was no

it out, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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