Although Elaine went to Franklin's protest did not help in the slightest, but in turn, it gave her a new idea.


She arrived at the mall early the next morning.


The maids also dutifully followed her.


Elaine sat in the mall, and not long after, Natasha came too, and the two held hands and went into the women's clothing store.


While they were choosing their clothes, the maids followed along.


Surprisingly, however, Elaine took a dress and handed it to her: “Bianca, try this on."


The maid was slightly stunned, then said, “No Miss, I .....”


Elaine stuffed the clothes into her hand and said sincerely: "Try it on, yesterday my father also told me that you follow me all day long, it's too hard, let me not be capricious, I thought about it, I really don't know how to behave this time, and give you a lot of trouble, so this is a little bit of my heart, you must accept it”




Elaine saw her concern and added, “Bianca, don't worry, I won't run away while you go to change, I swear, whoever runs away is a puppy.”


Natasha also nodded next to agree: “Bianca you just go, I am here with Elaine, you do not have to worry”


After the two of them took turns lobbying, the maid reluctantly agreed.


Despite Elaine's repeated promises, she was still not quite sure. She quickly changed and came out, and was relieved to see the two of them still there.


Elaine said, “Bianca, you look great in this, so I'm going to pay the bill”


The maid was a little embarrassed and let her guard down: "Miss, actually, it's not necessary, I .....”


“The use of the use of the use”


Elaine said as she headed for the cash register while giving Natasha a wink.


Natasha immediately understood, and then shouted: “Fire, fire, everyone run!”


instantly in chaos, with everyone rushing toward the


and Natasha catapulted away as fast


tried to go after them, but were scattered by


down, there


sensors on her


of yours Miss James has just checked out, but the sentimental device on


but to watch Elaine and Natasha's figures run away with


Natasha and Elaine stopped to catch their


was tired: “Why did your father send someone


head, "It's hard to say a word


but your father doesn't approve, so that's


Elaine: "......"


silence, Natasha almost jumped up


lying and could only nod with a


“Quickly, quickly, quickly tell me what the situation is ah, how you never told me before, who is the other party,


whispered, “I don't know if it's considered an acquaintance, I can't tell you yet


press further: "Then, okay, but ...... handsome or not, ah, you progress to which




red, and even her ears


“Progress into ......


of kissing,


and digressed, “Come on, let's get out of here, they'll be chasing us out in




Curiosity filled her instantly.


and even make her father go out of his way to send someone to


the past, but still spoke firmly: “Elaine, you still remember Brendon, right, I was in


laughed, “Don't worry about it, it's okay, my

also supportive of


a silent moment, she still added two


Natasha: "?"


now but once and in the future, he was all for


with bewilderment and even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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