Elaine left the restaurant and didn't go straight home, but walked alone along the riverside, surrounded by beautiful lights.


She took out her phone, took two pictures and sent them to Darnell to send him a message.


However the message was sent and not replied to.


Elaine turned off her phone screen and leaned over the railing, blowing in the wind.


After a while, the phone vibrated a few times.


It's a call from Darnell.


Elaine saw this, and while fixing her wind-blown hair, she picked up and spoke in a light tone: "Are you done?"


Darnell hmmed, then added, "Elaine, want to go out on the river?"


Elaine thought he was referring to the two pictures she had posted for the sake of it, she nodded her head as she tapped her toes on the ground, "When is it, is tomorrow okay."




His voice was scattered by the wind, and Elaine thought she had misheard him. She turned her head to find a less windy place, but when she looked up, she saw Darnell holding his cell phone, standing two meters away from her.


Elaine was stunned and instantly reacted by running towards him and jumping into his arms: "Why are you here?"


Darnell put his phone away and put one arm around her, "Archer said you were here for dinner."


Elaine has some regrets: "Ah? I should have known I would have waited for you to join me ......"


"It's okay, it's the same now."


At that, Elaine lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest, her eyes curved, "How are we going to get to the river, by boat?"


"Take my yacht."




Elaine had gone out on the river with her classmates and friends on a yacht before, but she never thought that Darnell could actually drive a yacht.


him, her feet


yet, and the evening


the yacht sailed away from the hustle and bustle of the river and headed deeper


overhead was a starry sky, foreshadowing a


dad's birthday present today, and for


head to look at her and raised his eyebrows slightly,


have to do my dad's first, I'll


hooked down, his eyes redirected to the


her hand back on the countertop, but it


head and pulled


asked, "Can


Darnell said, "Yes."


was about to stop them when Elaine had found a champagne glass from somewhere and was


his seat for a few seconds before saying, "Elaine, it's windy here and


"It's okay, I'll just drink a little bit, I


a glass and handed it


said, "I


that he was driving a


I'll drink it


moment, Darnell's cell phone rang, he looked at the caller ID and looked up and instructed Elaine, "Drink less, I'm going to


her hand to him,


gently rubbed her head, got up and took a few steps and


her head, finished the glass, licked her lips, felt quite good to drink, and felt that there is no degree, plus a little thirsty after eating hot pot, so she continued


finished the bottle of champagne and was sitting on the yacht looking at the


Darnell walked over, "Elaine."


him with an even brighter smile and reached out to point him


she tilted her head again: "No, how do these moons look like the stars


jacket, put it on her shoulder, took her hand in his and withdrew


looked at him with misty eyes, "Sleep?


temples jumped twice:


instantly tightened her hug around his waist and pouted, "Then I don't want to sleep, I


and lowered his voice a few notches: "Elaine, after you leave


his arms and instinctively replied,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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