At the word, Elaine's footsteps gradually stopped.


The entire hall, too, was instantly quiet, exchanging glances with each other.


At this point, they all turned their attention to Franklin, as if they wanted to hear what he would say.


Franklin's face was taut and he did not speak for a moment.


At this time, a cold voice rang out, breaking the eerie silence: "Elaine, come here."


The crowd raised their eyes tofind that the voice came from the man next to Franklin, Darnell.


He stood there with an upright figure, his eyebrows were bitterly cold, and coldness emanated from all around him.


Just a look, it calls for a daunting look.


Elaine looked over at him with her hands gripping her skirt at her side, her mouth open and her face a little white.


She wanted to go over, but for some reason, her feet seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy she couldn't lift them.


Caesar saw this and the smile on his face widened: "Elaine, don't you really want to know the truth, don't you want to know what kind of person this father who loved you so much was, and why he killed your mother?"


Elaine closed her eyes slightly, took a breath and turned her head to Caesar: "Uncle Caesar, I don't know what you are trying to say, all I know is that I have lived with my father for more than twenty years, no one knows him better than I do, and no one can slander him from me. If it was really like you say, my father is the kind of person you say, you would have used this as a handle to blackmail him long ago, instead of being here in front of everyone and insisting on telling me the truth."


There are many people who came to the birthday banquet today, each with a distinguished status, and word of tonight's events spread, even if it is confirmed that Caesar is nonsense, but the impact has been created.


The smile on Caesar's face remained the same: "Elaine, you have indeed grown up, but what am I going to hold him hostage for, all I want is for him to lose his reputation in front of everyone, just like me."


Elaine shook her head gently: "Uncle Caesar, you want a lot, if you just wanted my father to lose his reputation, you would have gone to a press conference, that would have achieved the effect you wanted."


Caesar's eyes narrowed and he looked at her for a few seconds before saying, "You're right, you're still thinking ahead."


Elaine pursed her lips gently, then turned back to walk quickly in the direction of her dad and Darnell.


approving look, then turned toward the crowd and said, "Everyone, I have family business to attend to today,


sense to leave, some people stand still, it seems to want to


not be empty, there


and more people left, Elaine suddenly felt her hand being


she was led


quiet compared to


his sleeve, "Where are we


turned to look at her, "I'll go with you


want to go back






Darnell said slowly, "you don't have to take what Caesar says seriously or take it to


obviously came from a bad place this


said, "What


said that as soon as I left Riverside City, the next time I'd


that, her voice choked


into a hug and patted her


down a bit before she said, "My dad, he'll be fine,


was a note of


day, Darnell


retook her


the side door, a


seat door, let her sit in, wiped the tear stains from her face and whispered, "Elaine, get out of here first, I'll come pick


"Don't, I ......"


say anything, the car door was


hard on the door and cried, "I don't want to go, you guys left me


as Elaine was crying her heart out and desperate, a faint male voice came from


her head to look at the man sitting next to her, and didn't cry,


glanced at her, "My daughter isn't even as loud as you


aggrieved: "But my


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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