Until she came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Elaine was still dizzy and felt as if it was all a dream.

And so she just, became Darnell's ...... wife?

Elaine threw her arms around him happily, "Where are we going next?"

Darnell looked at the time: "Want to go to the movies."

Elaine nodded one after another, "Yes!"

She had never gone to a movie with him before.

Darnell took her hand, "Let's go."

Sitting in the movie theater, Elaine's mind was not at all on the screen in front of her, and every now and then she reached into her bag and touched her marriage license.

It seems that if you don't pay attention a little, you will drop it.

Darnell glanced at her, the corners of his lips slightly hooked: "You can leave it with me if you don't feel comfortable with it."

Elaine thought it made sense and handed him the other marriage license.

But this movie, the genus is also not to see what the name.

By the time we got out of the movie theater, it was already 4:00 or 5:00 pm.

Elaine stretched out comfortably against the sun.

At that moment, her cell phone rang and it was Aaron calling.

As soon as Elaine got through, his unpleasant voice came through: "Are you going to eat or not, where's the address?"

Elaine then remembered with a jolt that she had completely forgotten about the address.

Just as her eyes went to Darnell, the latter had picked up the phone and faintly said a place.

Aaron was clearly not expecting this and was silent.

Darnell hung up and handed the phone back to Elaine, "Did you tell Archer."

"Not yet, I'm talking now."

She opened her phone while crackling messages to Archer and Natasha, telling them again the address Darnell had just said.

Archer was reluctant to come at first.

Elaine took out the excitement: [The boy who is after Natasha is coming too.

[What does it have

I'm just telling you,

then cousin will give

Elaine: [......]

Darnell was answering the phone

guys left yet? Then I'm ready to

[Off we

Natasha: [?

you seem to reveal a

and happy emojis


uncles that are so handsome that you plan to introduce

Elaine: [......]

looks quite cute, I want to drink some wine tonight, take the opportunity

drinking Elaine's mind uncontrollably recalled some images she had forgotten for a long

[It's not

her encouragement, Natasha has

Then it's

looked up and heard a voice on Darnell's cell phone, "Master of

hmmed and then hung

"Jon who is ah,

Can't think of any.

head, "It's nothing, you

if so, should I ask him to come over for dinner

Elaine smiled, "No need."

ring on her hand, a smile growing at the

her hand in his and

time they got to the private room, Archer was already sitting there, looking straight at them, "How can someone be invited to dinner but let

nonchalantly: "Why did no one else arrive

Archer: "......"

said, "That's because I

arrive was Natasha. The staff pushed open the door to the private

out to

after a moment's hesitation, took a seat next to Elaine and next to Archer, eventually choosing the

said, "Why don't you sit

over there, OK, or you can sit over there, I'm going to

words stuck in

seem to be that

again. It was Aaron, who said he couldn't find his way and asked Elaine to come down and pick

had just gotten up when Darnell took her phone,

randomly sat down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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