After two months, Elaine's dessert store has taken shape and has a group of regular customers, and there are even many people, who have heard that a dessert store has opened in this place, which is delicious and not expensive, and the owner is also particularly beautiful and lovely, and come here to admire it.

However, because the dessert store is not large, there are very few people who can sit down, just three or four tables, resulting in customers often come without a seat and have to pack up and take away.

This is obviously not the scene Elaine would like to see.

She wanted everyone who came to the store to enjoy what she made and to be able to sit in the store, quietly and comfortably, and had the idea of wanting to expand the store.

Franklin for her idea, of course, is 100% support, and then in Elaine every day across half of the city, to go to that small store, too busy to turn around, he has enough heart for his daughter, but Elaine has its own insistence, he gave up.

So Elaine's dessert store to choose a new location, he took care of the matter directly.

Natasha was curious about this and asked Elaine once: "Actually, before, when you first opened the store, obviously Darnell can also take care of everything for you, why you did not agree then and had to come personally, and now you promised to let your father get this for you ah."

Elaine ate her ice cream and smiled before saying, "I was trying to prove myself at the time, but now I seem to have succeeded."

Natasha probably found it a bit surprising, froze and then thought it made perfect sense.

Elaine added, "Okay, I'm just kidding. There was actually a part of me that wanted to prove myself at that time, but more than that, I hoped that even if my dad was gone, I could do everything right with my own efforts and not let him down."

Natasha dawned on her and agreed: "So now that Uncle Franklin is back, you can rely on him without worry, and it's really good to have Dad around."

"What la, it's not all that." Elaine said, "My dad, actually, although he didn't say it, but I know, he thinks I've suffered for the past two years outside and wants to make it up to me, and I'm married to Darnell now, so if I keep rejecting him, he'll be sad and will think I don't need him anymore."

But Natasha has a lot to say, it's really good to have a dad around.

This way she can worry about nothing and be that carefree little princess again.

Speaking of marriage, Natasha asked again, "Eh, so when are you going to have a wedding?"

her chin with one hand: "Well,


the last time I watched Sherry and my sister get married, I felt as if I was already content, and getting married myself would

Natasha: "......"

about Darnell, who also agreed not to have

discussed this yet, I'm pretty busy every day these

must be done, I have to be a bridesmaid, just as your cousin when the best man, you

it, I'll

Elaine looked out the window at the ginkgo

she has Darnell and her dad by her

be a wedding, then she's definitely going to have to meet


returned in the evening, Elaine

his tie and came over and

"Eat up, who

her head, "Sorry, it's been a bit busy, I'll

him about this, the dessert store was often open until 90

go get your dinner up here, while you take

could take a

next second, Elaine was sitting on

and faced him head-on, winking, "Can you really have

raised his eyebrows slightly, "Of

......" she spoke in a whisper, "let's go back to


playing with his shirt buttons: "I think, we have been married for so long, should have gone back to see your mother, I know I have been quite capricious and ignorant, but this matter so delayed

laughed at her description and put his hand on her waist: "Elaine, you've never been willful and unintelligent,

comment and rubbed up against him, "But Auntie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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