On the other hand, Winnie was a little distracted and in a trance on her way back.

After getting out of the car, she sat in front of the neighborhood, bought a few cans of beer and poured them into her mouth one after another.

When she really couldn't drink anymore, she got up and wandered around the neighborhood several times to calm herself down gradually.

She took a deep breath, looked at the bright moon overhead, and couldn't help but reach out her hand.

What seemed to be close at hand seemed to be reaching out and becoming more distant.

Channing is like the moon, the most dazzling presence in the dark night that is out of her reach.

When she got off the elevator, she walked to the door and was just about to press her fingerprint to unlock the door when her wrist was gripped.

Winnie turned her head, surprise and dismay in her foggy eyes, "You ......"

"Why go first."


I don't know if it's because of the wine or something else, Winnie didn't react for a moment and didn't really understand: "I ......"

Channing stared at her and spoke word for word, "Cooper says he's after you."

Winnie thought that Channing's cold and distant attitude at the showroom had said it all.

After all, it was her fault in the first place, and it was she who initiated the breakup.

They ended three years earlier.

So Channing's two questions in quick succession left her completely at a loss as to how to answer.

But his sight was so blunt that she had to turn her head sideways and dodge her gaze a few times before she stammered out a reply, "Yes ...... is it, maybe, I ......"

In her panic, she suddenly grabbed a straw: "Are you just returning to the country, then have you gone to see your sister, she ......"

Channing didn't answer and looked at her without saying a word.

Winnie lowered her gaze, even after all that time, she still couldn't do it and faced him openly and without shame, she opened the door while saying, "Go back, your sister must still be waiting for you at home."

lifted her leg into the house and turned to slowly pull


before she could speak, her eyes went dark, and the door behind her slammed


just opened her mouth when

help but

control of her hands and pried her teeth apart with the tip of his tongue, each step,

was pinned against the wall, unable

feel the breath was taken away, the whole person completely powerless,

kiss, too, changed from a vengeful nibble

voice low: "I'm not

was about to say something when he nibbled on her earlobe and called

hotness spread from the ears to the whole


a sister before, but she has called

a sister, she would have thought it was

it's not the

teenager has grown

wearing a

it is the technology and the future that

much more

this kind of him that shouted the two words he was once most reluctant

of contrast almost drove

push him, trying to keep herself awake, "Chan,

explanation as he re-nibbled on her lips, picked her up, and placed

crazy, everything tonight happened suddenly

pushed him away, but the hand on his shoulder, but

fists, closed her eyes, and her mind was left with nothing but chaos, as if her nerves were numbed

hands had wrapped around his neck, and as his hot lips and

later, his low voice rang in his ears,

to raise her hand and

clasped her in his arms and lifted his leg to walk

on in the house, only the faint light coming

Yet it is enough.

kisses fell again, only this time they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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