When Flora saw him, her expression instantly tightened for a few moments.

She adjusted the expression on her face and just hesitated to go over and say hello when Channing looked at the manager who had hurriedly arrived and spoke nonchalantly, "It seems that anyone can indeed come in here."

Flora's face turned sharply down, the whole person is frozen there, into nor, back nor.

A cold sweat also broke out on the manager's head and he had to say to Flora, "Ms. Alvin, you are disturbing our guests' meal, please be quiet."

"What is me, obviously ......"

Flora was halfway through her sentence when she saw the different looks of the assistants and staff, as well as the restaurant manager, and suddenly realized that she had lost all her image.

She bit her lip tightly, shaking with anger.

Just as she was about to return to the private room, a man came out of it and Flora rushed forward as if she had seen a savior: "Mr. Clark ......"

The man called Mr. Clark, his eyes fell in front of Flora, and then, as if he did not see her, he crossed over and walked to Channing, smiling joyfully: "Mr. Steward, I did not expect to see you here."

Channing nodded slightly, "Mr. Clark."

Mr. Clark was overjoyed: "Last time we met, don't think Mr. Steward still remembered me, it's really my honor."

Saying that, he looked around and also vaguely sensed a subtle atmosphere: "Mr. Steward this is ......"

"Heard some noise outside and came out to see."

Needless to say, it is clear who these noises are coming from.

Mr. Clark frowned at Flora, the latter was so stared at by him, subconsciously wanted to argue, but heard him say to the manager: "What are you still standing there, hurry up and deal with it, do not know what kind of customers are here, noisy, like what!"

Immediately after, he said to Channing, "Mr. Steward if you don't mind, can I buy you a drink, it's also a kind of apology."

"Mr. Clark speaks highly of me, my pleasure."

"Mr. Steward please."

and went into the

this and immediately walked

people in the booth who were talking to each

this new businessman of

What brings him here?

Clark spoke warmly: "Come on, let me introduce you, this is Complex, this is Mr. Read from Champion

them one by one, his eyes fell on Flora, who was next to him, and

entertainment industry for so many years that she can already read people's

no longer welcome at

could she give

just now I was too emotional, and it was noisy for you to dine, I am here to apologize to you, and I hope

looked at Mr. Clark next to

times, this stupid woman is unable to read the eyes or do not

stiffened again, she didn't expect him to give her so little

"We have invested in a movie, and this Flora, is the female lead of the

sniffed, immediately followed and agreed: "Yes, we were just talking about

again imploring her

looks like I'm

saying anything, the one who is really taking the lead is

worked with Winnie several times before, business and work, he admires Winnie, also because he heard Winnie acted before investing, but did

this time a few glasses of

like this kind of thing, we

in his seat: "I'm quite interested in who the lead actress of this movie was supposed

he looked at Flora again and spoke

no longer be described as ugly, and for the first time tonight

Mr. Read didn't give her

tone was even: "As I recall, Winnie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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