During the meal, Winnie didn't say much unless the theater director called her, and she only answered softly.

Cooper sat next to her, but did not act excessively, just drinking and chatting with people around, talking and laughing.

During this time, Winnie was offered a toast, which she declined.

When the meal was almost finished, Winnie got up and went to the bathroom.

She stood in front of the mirror and let out a long breath.

Although the play doesn't start until tomorrow, she has a feeling that it might not go too well.

Winnie pulled a hand towel, turned around and walked in the direction of the private room, and just a few steps later, she met Cooper walking towards her.

Cooper stood in front of her, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and smiled, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Winnie smiled perfunctorily, nodded her head in greeting and was about to leave when Cooper stopped her, his tone a little helpless: "Winnie, although we can't be lovers, but at least we are friends, are you really that cruel."

Winnie looked at him, "Mr. Booth, I made it very clear to you last time, I don't think that there is any need for us to be friends."

Cooper said, "Last time it was my words that were wrong, I apologize to you, but I am also sincere for your own good."

Winnie thought it was funny: "I don't think Mr. Booth was doing me any favors by saying that I couldn't get married after being dumped, so why should I have to get married."

"You're right, I was narrow-minded."

Winnie's words got caught in her throat for a moment, Cooper's attitude today was unusually good, she didn't know how to play it.

said again, "I just saw you didn't eat much, is the food here not to your liking? I

much not because I didn't have an appetite, but because I have to perform on stage tomorrow and

spoke, Winnie nodded at him and

without warning and laughed, he guessed right, Winnie really eat soft

the private room, the dinner had come to an end and

didn't expect was to run into Cooper again when she got off and walked inside

he smiled and greeted the rest of

the end and did not want to engage in unnecessary conversation

taking Winnie to the door, the assistant said, "Winnie, I'll go

Winnie nodded, "Good."

phone and went straight into the bathroom

Channing had

down on her bed and called the number

"Are you

the other end of the line, Channing said,

you going to your sister's

over there tomorrow

let out an "Oh" and rolled over onto her

"Don't you have

already memorized it, I'll go through it again before I go to

"When to sleep."

at the time: "We can talk for

of Channing's mouth lifted, "What time is the

I have to go to dinner, and I'll be lucky to get on the plane by twelve." She knew what

"I got it."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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