Winnie sat alone on the toilet, her eyes dazed.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, "Ready."

Winnie shot up a few times, "Right away."

She held on to the wall and slowly stood up. As soon as she moved, she felt a raging flow of blood and a tearing pain between the small of her stomach.

Winnie has never had this pain, except for the last few years when she had her period and soaked in ice water in the middle of winter filming.

Channing waited half a day at the bathroom door, and when Winnie came out, she saw that her face was white.

He frowned slightly, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Winnie waved her hand breathlessly, "No, I'll take some painkillers and get some sleep."

She said as she staggered toward the bedroom.

Channing followed and was just about to pick her up when Winnie held his arm down and said in horror, "No! It's going to ...... leak ......"

Channing: "......"

He eventually helped her back to bed.

When Winnie was lying down, Channing went and poured hot water and brought her cold medicine and painkillers.

Winnie took it, tossed the pill into her mouth, tilted her head back and took a few sips of water, and set it aside.

"Do you want

to bed first." Winnie also did not forget to add, "Your


and adjusted the temperature in the bedroom before taking a change of

he came back, Winnie was curled up in a ball on the bed in pain, sweating profusely and looking pale

her out from under the covers and turned to put her on his back, "Go to

was dazed but had no more strength to struggle and unconsciously murmured, "It'll be better after the painkillers

night's sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be


and went to the nearest

the doctor examined Winnie and

was silent for a moment: "Took the pill

you just don't take your bodies seriously, you don't use contraception properly, you always think about taking the pill afterwards, now


hooked up, Winnie's furrowed brow gradually relaxed

bed and gently held her hand, his quiet


in an empty hospital

trying to sit

Channing walked in, "Better."

Winnie nodded, "That's better."

don't know if it was the painkillers or the infusion that did the trick,

placed it on the small of her back through her clothes as he


she couldn't help but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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