Throughout the morning, Winnie spent her time at home packing.

As she has always had the habit of throwing away what she doesn't want, so the miscellaneous stuff isn't too much, and it's quick to organize.

When she received Channing's stuff, though, she found that he had a little more than she expected.

It seems to have completely invaded her life.

Winnie was about to finish collecting when her assistant's phone call came: "Winnie, we're downstairs."

"Okay, you guys come on up."

Winnie pulled on her suitcase, stood up and looked at the place where she had lived for two or three years and let out a soft breath.

Soon, the assistant and driver came up and carried Winnie's things down.

On her last trip, she stood in the doorway of her study, looking at the place she had just set up, and the moonlight that was her favorite.

Winnie was just about to go in and take the moonlight with her when a knock came on the door, "Is this Ms. Truman, please."

Standing outside the door were two men in work uniforms.

Thinking about yesterday, Winnie's eyes unconsciously became more alert as she said, "Who are you."

The staff said, "Mr. Steward sent us over to move you."

Winnie froze: "I'm all packed up ......"

The staff took two steps forward, looked behind her and explained, "Mr. Steward specifically explained to us to move the things in the study intact."

Winnie was going to call Channing to ask about it, but after hearing him say that, she felt that there was no need to ask, and it was indeed something that Channing could do.

When the assistant came up, she looked in surprise at the people who were moving things in the study and asked, "Winnie, did you also call a moving company."

Winnie laughed dryly twice, "Yes ...... yes, let's go down first."

The assistant reached out and tried to take the moonlight in her arms, "Winnie, give me this."

bit: "I'll take this, you



around with wide eyes and couldn't help but say, "Winnie, who found this house for

to live here, alone rich is absolutely not possible, living in the kind of mostly, powerful and

the security here is very strict, not the residents here simply can not enter, even if there is take-out, are security at the door to take personally delivered to

the circle,

rubbed her forehead,

they came in, there are staff followed by the door, so all the way upstairs without any

the code, opened the door, and the bright sunlight

the panoramic glass window, standing here, as if you can

desk delivery man arrived and moved into the guest room as Channing had

next to Winnie and whispered, "Winnie, this place is so big, would it be scary

Winnie: "......"

the assistant added,

her head, "I'll

first and pick you up


put down the moonlight and headed inside

three rooms, a master bedroom almost as big as a basketball court, a second bedroom without the slightest trace

in the study have been replaced by the

bought it at the time according to the style of

the refrigerator and found it empty except for a few bottles of

remembers coming and having seen


in one staircase here, and the privacy and

downstairs and walked slowly through the

walked, she

her face

recognize her, cocking her head and opening

voice came

over and instantly fell

over and took Simon in her arms,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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