Chapter 1439

Felicity was at a loss for words because of her best friend's self-confidence.

Meanwhile, Wenham was welcoming his guests and beaming with delight. He was extremely pleased to hear people congratulate him. Since his wife's passing over twenty years ago, today was the happiest day he had ever experienced. As he shook everyone's hands, he suddenly spotted a blond, blue-eyed man conversing with Keegan not far away.

Wenham hesitated for a moment, then hurried over and said, "Mr. Winston?"

The man turned around, and his deep-set eyes met Wenham's. He politely smiled and greeted him with a Yostrainian accent. Wenham extended his arm and shook the man's hand. His name was Danny Winston.

Danny Winston was a client Wenham had dealt with recently in North Yostrain. The deal did not go through because

Danny was not inclined to do business in Hustuabourg. He was not even willing to look at the proposals, let alone discuss them further.

abroad often recently, all in pursuit of this business. They had tried many ways to negotiate a deal but had yet

had someone deliver an invitation. However, he did not hold much hope that Danny

business deal did not work out, they had become friends of sorts after all this time. Given the significance of the event, it did not seem strange to invite Danny.

said he had almost lost track of his own child

glanced at Keegan, who

process of finding his daughter. They did not talk long before Trevor came

to greet the rest of

long after, Wenham took the stage. After expressing his gratitude to everyone, he began his opening

birth happened too long ago, and the Sauns had not

in one sentence, emphasizing the joy of reuniting with his

child back. We've invited everyone here today to formally introduce

all of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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