Chapter 1625

Keegan was also swept about six feet away by the current.

With determined effort, Stella swam over and grabbed ahold of his collar.

It was impossible forthem to communicate in the water. Moreover, it was extremely difficult for Stella to support the weight of an adult male like Keegan alone. She strived to keep both their faces above water as they followed the current, trying to find a way to save themselves.

Fortunately, luck seemed to be on her side. It was not long before she came across a branch floating in the river. With Keegan in her arms, Stella struggled toward the floating piece of wood. In the end, they managed to grab ahold of it and catch their breath.

"Keegan..." Stella's voice quivered. She held back her tears and called out urgently, "Keegan, don't close your eyes! Stay awake! I can't do this alone. Hold onto the branch, and I'll support you. We'll climb up together."

body was weakened by his injuries and the cold.

making their way upward. Suddenly, they heard a snap and felt the wood sinking. They froze, as they

was toppled by the wind, with one end submerged in the water and the other still connected to the bottom of a tree stump. It was unstable and simply could not bear the weight of

than finding hope only to have it snatched away again. She suppressed her emotions and turned to

soon. Let's hold on a little longer. They're

managed to

down her face. She swallowed her emotions and called out, "Help! Somebody,

out her cries long

growing colder, and he was gradually losing his grip

for help.

than Keegan, even though it was not by much. While she was not injured, the frigid water and her skinny frame meant that she would not last much longer. Her limbs were starting to grow numb, and the branch occasionally emitted a creaking sound. It could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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