Chapter 1705

Felicity sat in the rear passenger seat and could not help but think to herself, 'Marshall really knows what he's doing.'

She was worried that Marshall and Stella would sit together, so she got into the car before them and took the back seat. Then, Stella took the seat next to her.

Marshall, in turn, naturally took the front passenger seat.

When the car was about to drive away, Marshall suddenly asked the driver, "Excuse me, can I see your driving license?"

The driver then handed his license to Marshall.

Marshall frowned upon looking at it and said in a low voice," The photo on your license doesn't seem to match the one on your work ID."

The driver hurriedly explained, "It's the same. I took the photo on my work ID before my driving license. Maybe I was skinnier back then."

"Is that so? I still don’t think they're the same person." Marshall then turned to the two in the back. "Stella, come and take a look."

so she volunteered. "I'll look at it. My eyes are very sharp. I

not refuse. Instead, he warmly

and take a look,

front. So, to see it clearly, one

Marshall gave way to her for a better view of

time, she said, "It's the same person. The work ID seems photoshopped because the mole on his chin is missing. But his hairline

The driver was speechless.

could never notice such tiny details. Your

so sorry for the trouble. We just wanted to


Felicity, "Lady, please fasten

Felicity kept quiet.

become the one who's sitting

him. Felicity

and tilted her head

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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