Chapter 1767

"I can certainly do that, but..." Vermont paused as he looked at Felicity before continuing, "Would you want that? Would you want me to make your work famous using money?"

"Of course not." Felicity pouted and muttered, "My mom is going to mock me for the rest of my life if you do that."

She had once proclaimed that she would become one of the most successful screenwriters ever. If she were to resort to buying success with money, it would not be any different from cheating.

She wanted to earn her reputation and stand on that award podium based on her own capabilities.

Vermont chuckled and placed his arm around her neck, "I know you very well. If I were to buy your script and make it famous, you'd probably break up with me straight away."

"We've already broken up a long time ago, okay?" Felicity retorted as she forcefully slapped the back of Vermont's hand. "Stop pressing down on me like this! You're the reason I got shorter!"

"Really?" Vermont leaned into her ear, his warm breath brushing against her earlobe as he whispered, "I only pressed down with one arm. What if I press my whole body on you? Wouldn't you be even shorter?"

Felicity could not understand what he was talking about," Are you sick or dying? Why would you press your whole body

do you think I'm strong enough to carry you

looked gentle as he murmured, "Why would I want you to carry me to the hospital? Can't I press

'Face-to-face? How...’

froze and immediately realized what he meant. Then, her entire face

more. He continued suggestively, "Back-to-back is fine too, but you don't have to carry me. I'd be too heavy

finish this sentence, Felicity stuffed his mouth with the

were red as she bit her lips and said annoyedly, "Can't you just come up

what he said earlier, but then

faces a woman he likes, he will have desires for that woman. It's just that some men can restrain themselves, and some can't. Even if we

when he was presented

flushed ears and said with her teeth clenched, "Gentlemanly, my foot! You're the most shameless

really shameless, I'd tricked her into sleeping with me long

walked away. She massaged her pounding

"Wait for me."

her and put the apple near her mouth," Try it; it's very sweet. I've

feeling like something was not right, "How did you peel it?" she asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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