Chapter 1773

Vermont let out a sigh. "If I did that and they turned into hits, she wouldn't believe it's because of her great scripts. She'd think it's just my connections. She might appear to be a tough person, but she actually lacks confidence in her work."

Devin quipped, "Why do you treat your girlfriend like she's your daughter?"

"Hah!" Vermont couldn't help but boast, "When you find someone as compliant and gentle as her, you can't help but spoil them."

Devin grinned and displayed a phone number on his phone." Here's my associate's number. You can send her scripts to him. He's working on some light web dramas. It's a good chance to see how things go."

Vermont saved the number, cautioning, "Make sure to give him a heads-up. We won't accept low offers."

Devin laughed. "What a money-minded guy you are!"

After dinner, Vermont carried Felicity's small backpack and escorted her out of the restaurant. "Time to head home, Your Highness."

As Felicity stumbled, she asked, "Where's Devin? I need to ask him something."

'She's using his first name now that she's a bit tipsy?'

a twinge of jealousy. "He left. What did you

to ask him..." Felicity scrunched her face in thought. "What was I

head and then looked up, saying, "I remember now. I need to ask him about

surprised by Felicity’s

asked, "Why do you want to ask him about

want him to teach

his teeth and spoke softly, "Weren't

those films win

an incomprehensible expression. Her thought process, especially after getting drunk,

award-winning films have those scenes. You're

Vermont thought she might abandon the idea, she said, "I still want to learn, just in case. What if I need to write them in the future?

Vermont was speechless.

close and whispered softly

blank expression and nodded,

'Maybe now's my

then, Felicity remarked, "I need to go

smiled. "Are

them. What's the going rate these days? How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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