Keegan understood that Jaylene wasn't asking to be close friends; she wanted a romantic relationship with him.

From the moment he woke up and encountered Jaylene, Keegan realized her intentions.

He didn't have any romantic feelings for Jaylene, yet oddly, he found it difficult to outright reject her.

Although he had indirectly rejected her, a nagging voice in his mind urged him to take back his words.

'That's not what Jaylene wanted to hear.' Suddenly, the sound of wind chimes interrupted Keegan's thoughts.

Then he heard Jaylene speak in a hoarse voice, "Keegan, you know that's not what I meant.

I like you..." Her eyes teared up as she spoke, and Keegan felt an instinct to reach out to comfort her, but before he could, Stella arrived.

“We can leave now." Keegan's mind cleared instantly, yet he didn't retract his hand.

Instead, he gently patted Jaylene's shoulder and advised, "You should wear something warm.

It's chilly outside." Jaylene's eyes grew even redder.

With an expressionless face, Stella tossed her bag to Keegan and left the house.

It wasn't clear if Keegan was speaking to Jaylene, but it took him a full three minutes to emerge from the house.

seated in


into the car

and started the


remarked, "Is

me warm it for

water isn't good

Keegan raised an eyebrow.

Even Aldor was stunned.

to be adopting a new attitude by


bottle is

can I let her...' “T insist," Stella said

bothered by

how many

quite warm right



trying to figure


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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