Chapter 1790

Stella felt anxious and reluctant to leave, but Baldwin insisted, "Ms. Hall, please step outside. It's Dr. Morghen's protocol."

Stella tightly clutched her hands and eventually stepped back. The door closed firmly, muffling any sounds from within.

Anxiously pacing outside the room, Stella couldn't shake off a growing sense of unease. Finally, she turned to Baldwin and said, "Who is this doctor? Can we trust him?"

"You've met him before," Baldwin replied.

Perplexed, Stella questioned, "When did I meet him? I don't remember."

"At the Temple of Abawo."

"Temple of- Is he the Venerable Raphael Morghen? Isn't he a religious figure? Since when he knows medicine?" Stella did not recognize Raphael due to his loose hair.

and job are two different

sounds like he has quite a flexible career,' thought

in him prompted his invitation. Still, Stella wondered about his medical

opened. The young

hurried inside and saw Keegan seated on the bed, engaged in conversation with Raphael. Although he still appeared somewhat weak, it was an

her entrance, Keegan glanced at her briefly before

with Keegan, stood up, and said to

a lot of questions, but she didn't manage to voice any. Instead, she

stifled her thoughts and saw the

the time she returned, Keegan had already locked the

ask how he was feeling. 'What a mutt! He's guarding against me like I'm some

of times in frustration before angrily

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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