Chapter 1805

Stella's expression immediately changed. "You useless thing! My average cost has been raised to six dollars now! How can I show off my thriftiness to Keegan?"

Keegan was speechless.

He cleared his throat softly, and Stella stopped, quickly hiding the cup behind her back.

Keegan looked at the broken pieces on the floor and suggested, "Why not just sit on the floor? I can still see them. It

Stella froze.

She angrily brought her hand from behind her back, glaring at Keegan. "Why didn't I hear you coming up? Are you trying to scare me?"

Keegan glanced at the door, which had finally stopped swinging after he had pushed it, and remarked, "My bad, next time I'll just tear the door down."

His comment left Stella completely speechless. She cursed in her mind, 'What an asshole!'

Ignoring him, Stella grabbed another cup, determined to give it another try.

Keegan approached and crouched down. "What are you doing?"

it obvious? I'm drilling the

cup with a pen and turned on the electric

going to break," Keegan

her teeth. "Don’t

drilled toward the marked spot again.

I told you it'd break," Keegan

grim. "It's all

smile, but the dim lighting made it hard for Stella

heard Keegan explain, "You're using the wrong drill bit and the

brittle. If you keep going like this, you'll probably break seventy percent

Stella didn't dare

followed the tutorials. It works fine

the floor covered in ceramic pieces, Keegan asked, "Even after all these failed attempts, do you still trust

Stella kept quiet.

the electric drill from Stella, and swapped the drill bit. Then, he soaked the cup in water for a while before drilling it

same outcome, but Keegan managed

impressed, Stella met Keegan's teasing gaze and quickly looked away, clearing her throat. "You got lucky. I'll be impressed if you can drill the rest

Keegan would not help her with drilling the remaining cups. However, much to her surprise, Keegan proceeded to take a new cup and expertly drilled holes in each one, one after the other, without uttering a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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