Chapter 1973

Vermont replied, [I don't mind getting married right now if she wants to. But, she's a few years younger than me, so she’s not in a hurry to get married. I'm the one who can't wait. As someone with experience, do you have any advice for me?]

Keegan responded, [Just go with the flow. It's something that can't be rushed.]

Vermont rolled his eyes and typed, [Did you text me just to tell me this?]

Keegan replied, [No. I just wanted to ask how many kids do you plan to have?]

Vermont rested his chin on his hand. [I haven't really thought about that. It depends on Miss Bandit. If she wants one, then we’ll have one. Of course, having a son and a daughter would be ideal for me, but I don’t want her to suffer the process of pregnancy twice.]

Keegan agreed. [It'd be great if they could give birth to two babies. Then, they'd only have to suffer it once.]

Vermont laughed, as he replied, [Hahaha. Do you have any idea how low the chances of having twins are?]

[I looked it up. The probability of having twins is about 0.5%, and among that, the probability of having a boy and a girl is 25 percent.]

Vermont was confused.

you even look that

replied, [I was lucky enough to hit that 0.5%. As for the 25%, do you think I can hit it too? But,

on Vermont's face immediately

[I'm a firm believer of Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so I'm sure that you'll

know, jealousy

blocked Keegan's


to Felicity. [Miss Bandit, Stella's having twins. We can't lose to them. Let's have triplets!

you out of your mind? Am I a baby factory to

able to keep up with them. I was thinking of having a daughter to seduce Keegan's son in the future and seize the Kane family's wealth. But, they already have a pair of twins now, and I'm not even married

Felicity was shocked.

[Say that in front of Keegan, and let's see if you can

response left Vermont

but she doesn't understand humor at all!' Vermont complained to

"Mr. Kane, my boss is busy right now. If

Keegan heard a muffled groan from Aldor,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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