Chapter 1999

Before Keegan could respond, Stella interjected firmly, "Agreeing not to use that medicine was my limit. If you keep pushing me not to share it, we'll file for a divorce tomorrow. No need to continue this farce!"

Keegan remained silent momentarily, then said, "what if you exceed her data limit? Connect both phones to the Wi-Fi. We have a gigabit connection here; it'll be faster."

Stella thought, 'At least he's got that right.'

A car engine echoed from downstairs as Stella connected the phones to the Wi-Fi. Peering through the curtains, Keegan saw the Saun family car pulling up. Darcie had arrived.

Stella began to panic, "Why is she here already? The battery isn't drained yet, and I haven't finished sending the photos."

Keegan reassured her, handing her a coat. "Go to the next room and keep quiet. I'll handle Darcie. Remember to delete her chat history and Wi-Fi from the phone after the upload. Don't worry if the video isn't fully

Stella nodded.

smile, kissed her

scent in the air, Keegan opened Jaylene's bag, took out her perfume, and sprayed it around. Then, he opened the windows to let the fragrance

after some hangover beverage," Keegan


the beverage didn't help. Aldor's getting hangover medicine.

her now. We have medicine

sees Keegan, she'll probably insist on staying.' Darcie thought, she looked

his wristwatch

Jaylene's bag on the table. There was a faint scent of perfume in the room, the kind Jaylene always used. Darcie flipped through Jaylene's bag

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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