Chapter 2012

Vermont shared a picture in the group chat-an open cemetery with a striking red spot in front of Rainee's grave.

The photo, taken from a distance, showed only Keegan's back, making him unrecognizable to Vermont. However, having been to Rainee's funeral, Vermont could pinpoint her gravesite accurately.

Stella fretted that someone they knew might see Keegan in his flashy suit at the cemetery. She reassured herself, thinking it wasn't a holiday, and no one would likely be around. But the unexpected occurred.

Someone at the cemetery noticed this unusual sight and posted it on Twitter.

Vermont, being as nosy as ever, quickly recognized Rainee's grave right after stumbling upon that picture while browsing Twitter. So, he immediately sent it into their group chat.

[What's happening? Why would someone dress like this to provoke Ms.

Spade? Stella, do you want me to find this person and give him a beating?]

in: [Who's that scumbag? I'm going kill

aimed her phone's camera at Keegan, who was engrossed

Vermont and Felicity were strategizing on how to handle the guy in the

[He's so

Vermont, puzzled, replied: [???]

she genuinely found Keegan

them had seen Keegan in red, a bold color

with his fair skin and handsome features, didn't look bad at all in the red suit;

hint of daring elegance. Felicity finally

[No matter how good he looks, it can't cover up the fact that he has a non-functional brain. Who wears a red suit to visit their

do this. Perhaps he's just too

a pair

'Has Keegan, the show-off, already spilled the beans about our twins to

replied: [It's not about the babies. It's something else.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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