Chapter 2164

Are kids these days all so clueless? How many times did he need to explain it for him to believe it?

Joe kept on talking, spouting a load of nonsense, all rainbows and butterflies. Keegan couldn't be bothered and just asked him what he wanted.

Joe rang him up and started babbling on and on, "Bro, Stella's fan club still hasn't been set up. Hasn't 'Motives for Murder' been a bit low on popularity lately? I want to get the fan club going now. Remember what happened at Sunlight Kindergarten? She got slammed all over the internet, but there wasn't a proper fan club to have her back. She couldn't even clear things up properly on her own. Once we've got the fan club going, anyone who dares to mess with her online, we'll shut them down!”

Keegan suddenly realized that his wife was pretty popular with the younger crowd. First, there was Leighton Hall, now Joe. Joe had brought him into the fan group, and there were quite a few young guys and girls, calling each other 'darling' and 'honey' all the time.

Keegan asked, "What's a fan club for?"

Joe replied, "Bro, if you don't even know what a fan club does, how are you even a fan?"

gonna hang up

pro, using lots of fan lingo that left Keegan puzzled. Finally, he cut

fan club is a crew that's got her back in

Keegan kept silent.

got a bunch, help us spread the word. When

replied calmly, "She's not into chasing fame, nor does

for a year or two. At most, she'll do cameos or some theater gigs. Don't waste your energy on this. Spend your time hitting the books.

His lips twitched involuntarily, "Bro, you're just like my dad. I feel like you're taking advantage

makeup exam started yet? How much have you studied? If you flunk the makeup, you'll have to retake the course. If you flunk that, you'll delay graduation. After a few years of floundering, you won't even get your degree. Your family will be the butt of every

grades that bad, you're still obsessed over stars? Do you know what grades Stella graduated with? Top of her class, full marks in her majors, and an outstanding graduate of Trinity University. She was even offered a spot for grad school, but she didn't take it. Even though someone else got the spot, her talent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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