Chapter 2296

Leighton was taken aback, his ears turning red as he met Nicole's teasing gaze.

"You're the one who's dumb! I know it’s pronounced petty!1"

Nicole blinked and helpfully pointed out, "But you just said 'pi' not 'pe'.”

Leighton stiffened. "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"I didn't!"

did! Estelle heard it too."

Estelle cleared

wonder so many young idols are clueless

suddenly wanted to kick

just isn't great at

Leighton. The Hall family had good genes for academics. Leighton's grandmother had been an educator before she retired, and his siblings excelled in school. Leighton’s younger brother even won a world championship at

not have been as brilliant as his cousins or his younger brother, but his grades were respectable. He secretly applied to a regular program at a film

and made him switch to Salcator

in his third year, he signed with an entertainment company. Due to missing too many classes in his fourth and fifth years, he couldn't graduate, but the university allowed him to keep his student

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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