Chapter 2317

Keegan accepted the friend request from the other party, and "Prosperous Blossoms'1 wasted no time in messaging him, saying, “Young man, send Auntie your photo and personal resume. Miss Hall has high standards, and when it comes to marriage, background compatibility has always been crucial. If your qualifications are too different, Auntie might hesitate to recommend you. Even if she does, others might not find you appealing, which could hurt your pride."

"Alright," Keegan replied promptly.

Then he inquired, "Auntie, how many potential matches have you introduced to Miss Hall?"

"About six or seven, I believe," came Prosperous Blossoms' response.

Remaining composed, Keegan questioned, "So, none of those six or seven have caught Miss Hall's interest?"

"She's still considering," Prosperous Blossoms clarified. "But those young men all have a favorable impression of Miss Hall. They found her quite likable."

feeling a sense of pride. After all,

send the information," urged Prosperous Blossoms. "I have plans this


software previously developed by Carter Lowe, selected a style that would appeal to potential wives, and generated an Al photo with a single click. Then, he casually drafted a resume and

explaining his memory recovery was complicated. Nonetheless, he was curious about her intentions in entertaining so many suitors. If she hadn't met any of them yet but still garnered

Potato’ leaked the news of Leighton's sexual harassment, only to face a dramatic turn

was fired due to a drug- related incident. Later, she was caught selling weight-loss pills with illegal additives online, leading

tainted, to

she argued that past mistakes didn't justify

People then discovered she had been banned from the community, and by afternoon,

arrested on suspicion of

confessing and providing fingerprints, the police unexpectedly found her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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