Chapter 2332

Initially, Stella thought it was accidental, so she stepped aside on her own. After the model car circled around her once, it "accidentally" bumped into her foot again.

She frowned and glanced upstairs. The second floor was empty, with no sign of Keegan.

When she was angry, Keegan really got on her nerves. She thought, "You're not content with teasing me yourself; now your darn machine has to join in too?"

Deciding she'd had enough, she stood up, grabbed her jacket, and went out for a walk. To her surprise, that oddly shaped model car tagged along.

Wherever she went, it followed like a little puppy, and Stella was thoroughly annoyed. She wanted to kick it away, but then she remembered it cost more than her handbag, so she forced herself to endure.

Finding a seat, she sat down. The contraption then used its mechanical arm to place a bottle of water at her feet.

contraption, lifted her hand, and tossed the bottle away. The "ugly thing'’ turned around, acting like a puppy, and

Villa was relatively high, with neighbors all belonging to the same social circle. However, young couples like Stella and Keegan, without children yet, were fewer. Most residents

dinner, the time

kids playing with remote-controlled cars witnessed the scene and surrounded Stella, full

you get this remote-controlled car? It's

smoothly, it can even

Is that


mechanical arm and pulling a chubby boy toward itself, as if inviting him to

you to get

arm nodded up and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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