Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2384-Felicity blushed a little. “Not yet. We plan to get the certificate on his birthday. My mother said that if both parents are satisfied after meeting, she’ll find someone to choose an auspicious date based on our horoscopes.”

Stella was stunned. “When did things progress so quickly between you two?”

Felicity said, “When he proposed, I agreed without hesitation. Later, he laughed at me for being too unreserved, saying I should play hard to get. But at that moment, I couldn’t think about anything else. All I could think was that someone wanted to marry me. Hahaha!”

Stella was speechless and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “What got into you?”

“It’s not that…” Felicity pursed her lips and began slowly. “Do you remember the aunt I told you about? She had two sons. The eldest is two years older than me, and the youngest is still in high school. My grandmother always favored their family. My cousin has a sharp tongue, so we always fought. When he couldn’t win, he’d complain.”

say, ‘Someone like you, big and strong with a bad personality, who would marry you? You’ll end up an old maid.’ Even though I later realized she was just being mean, I was still worried I wouldn’t get married. Otherwise, why hasn’t anyone pursued me in over 20 years despite

one pursued you,

interest in Felicity during college. She wasn’t sure what happened with the first one, but with the second, he invited her to watch a basketball

quickly disillusioned when

“throwing” each other, and Felicity, lost in the cheers of the freshmen, excitedly pulled the boy to watch the game afterward. He, however,

Why is he avoiding me? Could he be in love and trying to

Stella remained silent.

are single

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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