Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2396-After the speech ended, thunderous applause erupted.

Darcie smiled and said, “Mallory, why don’t you say a few words?”

Mallory nodded, glanced at the crowd, and briefly made eye contact with Stella before looking away.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Mallory. I’m delighted to be working with you all. Thanks to Mrs. Saun’s persistent invitations, I have finally returned to Hustuabourg after dealing with some personal matters. I feel quite embarrassed for the delay. As for the title Mrs. Saun mentioned, I feel even more humbled. I’m just an ordinary perfumer like you, with a bit more luck and experience.

I don’t consider myself qualified to be a teacher, as talent and creativity are more crucial in perfumery than experience. However, if my experience can help you avoid pitfalls and enhance your skills, I would be honored.”

After speaking, Mallory put her hands together and waved to the crowd. “Please guide me and let’s progress together.”

Her modesty and sincerity were particularly impressive.

someone nearby say, “The Goddess is not what I

title, she’d be difficult to deal with. Turns

young lady reach the finals? The young lady can’t even distinguish spices. Isn’t it like

keep your voice down. Are you asking for trouble?” Stella

Is there

turned to comfort Sonia but found her

Sonia was playing Candy Crush, sliding her fingers

“Sonia,” Stella called gently.

Sonia looked up.

championship is up to fate. Whether you win

on how to encourage

unclear if she listened.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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