Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2410 – Darcie paused. “Mr. Morant? Is there someone by that name in the Rivera circle?”

Aubrey replied, “Mr. Morant’s family is originally from Rivera. He retired and moved back to Hustuabourg a while ago.”

Darcie asked, “Let me see the customer registration form.”

Aubrey immediately opened the form left by Mr. Morant and handed it to Darcie.

Darcie quickly scanned it and noticed that he listed his occupation as a doctor. She paused and then asked, “When is he coming?”

Aubrey answered, “At 3 o’clock this afternoon.”

Darcie closed the file. “Prepare some good tea and snacks, and make sure he’s well taken care of. Also, inform Stella to meet with me at 3:30 to welcome the VIP.”

Aubrey was a bit surprised. “Mrs. Saun, haven’t you always wanted to expand the market in M country? Mr. Morant is a famous doctor. He probably knows a lot of influential people. Are you sure you want to involve Stella with such an important client?”

responded calmly, “We work in the same company. Do you think I can keep this from Stella? It’s better to be transparent, so no one has

her hand dismissively. “No need to say anything else. Go

had to swallow her confusion and

that she and Darcie would be meeting the VIP

Darcie was being generous by sharing the client with her. Something was definitely up if Darcie suddenly became so

be very surprised. “Okay, I’ll get ready. Does Aunt Darcie

replied calmly, “No, just be on time at

onto a toad-shaped ornament on the tea table. Her fingers were pale, adorned with an expensive white moonstone bracelet and a plain emerald jade ring on her middle finger, both worth over seven figures. Paul’s eyes moved from her modest outfit to her face. Her hair was neatly tied up, her makeup was perfectly done, and her expression showed

put down the teapot, stood up,

her, seeming

them. “Mr. Morant, this is our general

around the coffee table and extended her hand to Paul. “Hello, Mr. Morant.

pulled his gaze away and extended his hand. Darcie paused when she noticed he

that he was missing the ring finger on his right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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