Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2417 – Keegan explained, “When my mother-in-law, Jessica, was alive, she sponsored an orphanage. From last year until now, the orphanage has received several donations from you, and the amounts were not small. She always said she wanted to treat you to a meal and thank you in person.”

Paul regretted going to the orphanage in person. He just wanted to know how the child was doing, but he didn’t expect to run into her by chance, leaving him with such a big burden. He said with a stern face, “The money was donated by me on behalf of a friend. Don’t be so polite.”

He stood up and said, “I’ll leave if there’s nothing else.”

He had followed Aldor because he wanted to see if the people were from Darcie, but he didn’t expect them to be Stella’s. He couldn’t face the Saun family so openly. It was his habit to avoid confrontation.

Keegan didn’t stand up to stop Paul, but as Paul opened the door, someone was about to knock and enter.

a black satin short shirt, of medium height, slightly thin, with neatly combed hair but some gray at the temples. When he saw Paul, he was stunned for a moment, then

in astonishment, his body stiff, unable

good; you’ll regret it if you

way, and called the waiter to start serving the

They rested on the fifth and tenth of each month, and they did not accept reservations. The menu was issued a week in advance. Even though the restaurant was tucked away in a corner, gourmets in Rivera would

ten years, which was enough to

qualification from other customers at five times the price in a very short time,

the chef with complicated eyes. After

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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