Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2427 – Stella leaned in to look. The sketch showed a man in his early forties with a beard covering most of his face. His eyes suggested he was refined. He had a mole near his eyebrow, single eyelids, clear facial bones, and was very thin.

He didn’t resemble Larry at all, and if you saw him on the street, you wouldn’t connect them.

Stella asked, “Can the database find this scruffy-looking guy?”

Since the DNA wasn’t in the database, Stella doubted a photo would help much.

Keegan ruffled her hair and said, “Technology’s advancing. As long as he’s on this earth, we can trace him.”

Stella’s eyes brightened. “Do you have a plan?”

Keegan teased her, “What’s in it for me?”

Stella playfully offered, “I’ll give you my body.”

Then she tackled Keegan onto the bed.

protect her waist.

lifted his chin with one hand, pressed his shoulder with the other, and kissed him passionately, though she wasn’t great at it. Still, the long-missed

and his neck flushed lightly. His enthusiastic response made Stella’s legs go weak, and she soon collapsed on

and kissed her deeply. Stella, eyes closed, started unbuttoning his shirt. When she reached for

nuzzled her nose, whispering, “I see how eager you are to offer

Stella coughed lightly and gave him a doe-eyed look. “Do you want to keep

eyes with his hand, saying, “Don’t look at me like that. I can’t handle

the last time, and playfully suggested, “How about I lend you

Keegan was momentarily speechless.

when Stella thought he was too shy to respond, she heard

then kicked him off the

on the floor, one leg bent, resting his head on

if we’re broke, we’re sleeping in

back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around her as she struggled, and laughed, “Okay,

calmed down. “So, what’s

the time. Do you know about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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