Everyone could see what was happening. At the crucial moment of the competition, Darcie teamed up with Mallory and Jaylene. The reason was obvious. The prize pool was 10 million, with 80% going to the winner. To get a reward, you had to make it to the top ten, which was no easy feat. In reality, it was more about appearances than a fair competition.

Stella suggested expanding the prize to the top 20 and excluding Jaylene, making it easier for everyone to win something.

The 8 million championship prize was still up for grabs, and with Jaylene out of the picture, who wouldn’t want to give it a shot?

People in the room exchanged looks, each considering their chances.

Darcie didn’t need a vote to know the outcome. She looked at Stella and smiled. “No need to vote. I think your idea is good. Let’s go with it. I hope everyone does their best. I’ll personally host a banquet to celebrate.”

Stella met her gaze and smiled back. “Then I wish you all success in advance.”

She started clapping, and everyone followed. As their eyes met, they silently acknowledged the tension between them.

Jaylene was furious. She stormed out as soon as the meeting ended and collided with a secretary carrying documents. Papers scattered everywhere. “Are you blind?” Jaylene snapped, her anger flaring.

The secretary turned pale and quickly apologized.

Darcie frowned and called Jaylene’s name, but Jaylene ignored her, shoved the secretary aside, and slammed the door on her way out, making a loud noise.

Everyone in the room felt awkward, especially Stella. She looked at Darcie with a helpless expression and quietly asked, “Aunt, is Jaylene upset? I didn’t mean to target her. My suggestion was for the company’s benefit. If she’s really upset about the bonus, we can forget I ever mentioned it.”

Darcie’s blood

anger. “Jaylene is just a kid. She wouldn’t care about such a small bonus. She suggested the prize pool to me in the first place. She probably feels embarrassed that it seems like

“Jaylene has a big heart; it’s me who was thoughtless. Aunt, please tell her that

nodded, said nothing more, and quickly left

stood up to return to her

competition results. The perfume competition used a points system, with both individual and group rounds. Points accumulated with each round, and the lowest

every round was critical. A mistake could take several rounds to recover from, making a comeback in the final round almost impossible. It tested not

the 15 people who advanced, Mallory and Sonia ranked in the top ten overall. Mallory even took third place, Sonia was sixth, followed by Kiara at thirteenth, and Jaylene at nineteenth. Additionally, six others

first to accumulate points, the rankings were somewhat random. Otherwise, how could someone like Jaylene make it

randomly by the system. Jaylene would definitely team up with Mallory, securing her spot in the next round without much

asked Sonia about her plans for choosing teammates. Sonia had said that random pairing would be fine. Stella, however, felt that random pairings

scanned the list and thought that only Kiara might be a good partner for Sonia. But Kiara was on good terms with several other competitors from the company. Asking her directly might be awkward—if she already had a partner, refusing her would

calm personalities. She planned to ask them later. Just then, there was a knock on her office

the file. “No, what’s

on her desk. “Boss Jewell, I’d like you to talk to Sonia for me and

one asked you

I didn’t agree. I want to team up with Sonia. When she created that S essential oil, it really impressed me. She made it into the top ten in the preliminary round too. We both did well. I want to

asked, “Going for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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