Mrs. Clint averted her gaze, set down her cup, and said, “I don’t know any painter named Alijah. Miss Jewell, you may have asked the wrong person.”

She then stood up and added, “I won’t be taking the trial package. I don’t accept gifts without earning them. Thank you for the invitation, but I have other matters to attend to. Goodbye.”

With that, she grabbed her bag and turned to leave.

Stella followed to see her off, but Mrs. Clint stopped her by the elevator. “Miss Jewell, don’t waste your time on me. I don’t know the person you’re asking about, and I have nothing more to say. Please stay here.”

Mrs. Clint’s tone was icy, so Stella didn’t push further. When Aubrey returned, she saw Mrs. Clint leaving.

In Darcie’s office, Aubrey reported, “It seemed like there was some tension between them, but since Stella sent Mrs. Clint out, I don’t know what they discussed. Mrs. Clint looked upset—she even refused to take the trial items. Stella didn’t let me catch up to give them to her; she sent them to the Clint family company instead.”

Darcie watched the tea leaves swirl in the boiling water and said calmly, “Romina is proud and difficult to please. Even her own sister struggles to get along with her. Despite working with her for so long, our relationship remains distant. Stella thinks what she took from me is valuable, but it’s not easy to deal with Romina.”

“Mrs. Saun, since their relationship is still shaky, should we try to win back Mrs. Clint as a client?”

Darcie set down the teapot and looked up. “Romina’s precious son is studying electronic information at A University, right? I recall you have a cousin who works in the School of Information there.”

Aubrey understood and said, “I’ll arrange a meeting.”

Darcie nodded, “Go ahead.”

Stella felt frustrated that she couldn’t get any information out of Romina, and it spoiled her appetite.

She usually approached Darcie with confidence, but today she seemed deflated, which caught Keegan’s attention.

“Have you given up already?” he asked.

“Who said I gave up? I just haven’t figured out a solution yet!” Stella snapped, “Do you think dealing with Mrs. Clint is easy?”

Keegan, as he put some food on her plate, said, “Everyone has weaknesses, and that’s where you find your opening.”

Stella paused and looked at him suspiciously, “Do you have a plan?”

one’s asked for my

to learn. “What’s your

looked at her,

be charming, said, “Husband,

taken aback. “Can’t you play along a

played along, “Okay, let’s do


“Isn’t that a bit much? Honey, you’d be

Keegan was startled.

“Do you feel like you’ve

“What?” Keegan asked.

thrill of winning someone

he gritted his teeth, “It’s definitely a

joked with him for a bit before getting back

involves your boyfriend outside

boyfriend outside the circle?” Stella

said, “Let’s eat first. You’ll find

his friends when he got a call from

a crucial moment in the game, and the phone kept buzzing. Annoyed, Joe asked his friend to check who was calling. His

‘Big Liar’ calling—do

he messed up in the game

“What do you

you’re not young anymore?

still younger than you, big

you finished your makeup exams? Did

he sounded proud. “Yeah, they’re over. Results aren’t out yet, but I feel good about

you’ve been racing again

some fun? This race has high stakes, and I’m aiming for

passed. Even if you ace the makeup

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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